Medlert Inc. Releases Free Dispatch Tool for Wheelchair And Stretcher Transport

Medlert Inc. unveils the ambulance industry's first free dispatch tool, Medlert Dispatch, to help transport providers manage the logistics of wheelchair and stretcher-aided transport.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 20, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Medlert Inc. unveiled the industry's first free dispatch tool to direct wheelchair and stretcher-aided transport of patients. The new tool, called Medlert Dispatch, offers ambulance companies the ability to:

    •    Easily manage logistics and communication around wheelchair and stretcher-aided transport requests,
    •    Use an intuitively designed system, which requires minimal training and setup time,
    •    Run the dispatch on HIPAA secure architecture, and
    •    Implement a cloud-based platform, which removes the need to maintain servers or networks internally.

"We believe this is a huge step forward for innovation in an industry that is in a dire need of a technology upgrade," said David Emanuel, Medlert Co-founder & CEO. "Our aim is to offer Medlert Dispatch to all wheelchair and stretcher van transport providers. We particularly want to help transport providers just starting out with a free version to embed modern technology early on as they grow. We think Medlert Dispatch is an affordable, innovative, and easy-to-use tool to power your dispatch of wheelchair and stretcher-aided transports."

Medlert Dispatch is now available for all wheelchair and stretcher van transport providers. Transport providers that would like to get access to the free version of Medlert Dispatch must meet the following requirements:

    •    Be doing fewer than 500 trips per month,
    •    Provide stretcher van and wheelchair services,
    •    Have reliable and fast internet in the dispatch,
    •    Use PCs or Macs for dispatchers,

Additionally, transport providers that are doing more than 500 trips per month are eligible for a free, 30-day trial of Medlert Dispatch.

"Our goal in launching Medlert Dispatch is to bring new technology tools, including a mobile-friendly, cloud-based platform that allows for greater efficiency and convenience, to the task of managing the logistics of ambulance transports, especially those that require stretchers or wheelchairs," said Ernest Semerda, Medlert Co-founder & CTO.

