Los Angeles-Based medical group expects improved data governance and patient insight with Virdatint's unique master patient data indexing and real-time reporting

DALLAS, TEXAS, Aug. 27, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Virdatint(R), Inc., an emerging data management company, today announced the debut of its unique Distributed Data Virtualization, Integration, Analytics and Security Platform (Virdatint DDVP(TM)). This announcement comes at the conclusion of a successful production trial with Huntington Medical Foundation (HMF), based in Pasadena, California, and the subsequent planned full implementation of Virdatint's virtual data integration, master data management (MDM) and link analysis solutions across the Foundation's network of doctors and clinics.

The medical group will use the Virdatint DDVP(TM) solution to discover, profile, apply data quality, relate and ultimately contextualize information across multiple operational sources. Data remains in sources, securely behind firewalls, and only results data is retrieved on an "as needed" basis. The combination of virtual data integration, MDM and link analysis maintains data's traceability across multiple sources and renders missing, incomplete and inconsistent data a non-factor for physicians and specialists alike.

According to David Lee, President and CEO of Huntington Medical Foundation, "Some of the most prominent patient care challenges for healthcare providers today stem from fragmented and inconsistent data within the complex healthcare networks. At Huntington Medical Foundation, we want to connect patient data between networks and integrate it into the care each patient receives."

Lee explained that HMF looks forward to using a key feature of the Virdatint platform, the Virtual Master Patient Index (VMPI), which allows existing applications to automatically locate, analyze, summarize and report master patient data and all related operational data in real time. "We expect patient care to be enhanced by the access to complete, real time visibility into a patient's history and activities," added Lee. HMF will employ Virdatint's browser-based user interface to enable highly interactive reporting for link visualization and to access its Patient 360 View. The platform can also serve as a springboard for the Foundation's next generation of applications, including patient outcome-based analytics.

The Virdatint DDVP(TM) differs from other data virtualization and integration solutions, by offering its distributed, non-centralized, federated adapter architecture with unique data quality, content indexing, link mapping, MDM and link analysis processes. Data remains in its source—any source, including mainframes, legacy systems, office documents, social media, Hadoop, etc.—and is not copied or moved. The platform addresses data quality before accessing data, and organizations avoid the expense, security risks and latency associated with copying, cleaning, loading and storing multiple copies of data. The platform also automates as many processes as necessary, as often as necessary, including new device detection, data source and data identification, and all processes related to data access.

Nardo Manaloto, Healthcare Advisor to Virdatint said, "No other data integration service offers both the Virtual Master Patient Index and the Patient 360 View. The Virdatint technology gives Huntington Medical Foundation a platform to connect disparate customer-facing data sources, in real time, into a virtual data manager, thereby giving them true visibility in to their operating environment." Manaloto is the former Director of Innovation and Solution Design at Kaiser-Permanente and has more than 22 years in healthcare information technology.

In addition to the VMPI and Patient 360 View, HMF will benefit from the Virdatint platform's following key features:

Facility Operations Dashboard

A business analytics solution for medical facility administrators and management that will provide a dashboard view of all activities associated with operating medical facilities. Huntington will benefit from easy-to-understand detailed views and historical trends of each operational unit.

Healthcare Financial Analytics Solution

A multi-dimensional, business analytics solution for care providers. The foundation will create a true cost-of-care baseline to aid Meaningful Use reporting.

Patient Engagement Analytics

Provide insights on who, what, when, how and where the patient engages healthcare organizations. Huntington now can create algorithms and reports to help translate patient-engagement to patient trust, and to contribute to more robust Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement requirements.

Virtual Healthcare Information Exchange

Provide a comprehensive virtual data exchange between internal and external electronic medical records (EMRs), practice management and other ancillary healthcare systems to support clinical care and business transactions.

Find out more about the Virdatint DDVP for healthcare organizations by visiting and dowloading the HMF case study here:

About Virdatint

Virdatint(R), Inc., founded in Dallas, Texas in 2014, is an emerging, privately held company offering a unique standards-based distributed data virtualization, integration, analytics and security platform. Unlike other federated data solutions, the Virdatint platform's unique indexes address data discovery, profiling and quality upfront, in real time, with additional processes running on these indexes. Because of this unique architecture, the platform seamlessly closes the cycle from enterprise data systems to BI, analytics, master data management, CRM and BPM. A subsidiary of WhamTech, Inc., a federated data access and integration products and technologies company, Virdatint managed solutions and services consist of proven technologies, products and expertise from WhamTech, its partners, other vendors and open sources.

About Huntington Medical Foundation

20 Years of Quality Care

The Huntington Medical Foundation began in the San Gabriel Valley in 1994. Our medical group is comprised of exceptional doctors and caring, accessible staff. Over the years, our abiding commitment to high-quality care and patient- centered service has remained unchanged.

What We Believe In

  • Friendly, personalized visits
  • Treating families with compassionate and high-quality care
  • Boosting the health of our community
  • Open communication
  • Wellness education
  • Using technology to empower patients

Serving Our Community

Our leadership is local, just like our doctors and their patients. The Huntington Medical Foundation is a partner of Huntington Hospital, located in Pasadena, CA. Whether you are a patient looking for the right doctor or a practitioner who would like to join our network, we look forward to connecting with you.


Virdatint and Virdatint DDVP are trademarks or registered trademarks of Virdatint, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners and mentioned for identification purposes only.

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