Firth Veterinary Hospital Offers Relief for Pets' Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

LONDON, Ontario, Sept. 6, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Is your pet scratching incessantly from seasonal allergies? Firth Veterinary Hospital in London, Ontario offers local pups, and their owners, relief from the itching and scratching common among seasonal allergy suffering pets. In fact, the veterinary clinic offers several treatment options to cover all bases and maximize relief potential. "No pet owner wants to watch a beloved pet suffer from allergy symptoms that seem like they'll never end," says Dr. Peter Firth, owner of Firth Veterinary Hospital. "We can help offer relief to local pets so they can get back to normal playful, allergy-free states."

Allergy season is here and Dr. Peter Firth, of Firth Veterinary Hospital, in London, Ontario offers several different solutions for London area pets who are suffering this year.

Allergies for pets can be miserable experiences that are often felt most keenly on the skin's surface. This leads to a great deal of uncomfortable itchiness for the pet. As a result your pet will be doing a great deal of scratching as allergy season progresses.

The good news for London area pet owners is that there are treatments available that will stop the itching in its tracks. Firth Veterinary hospital offers several treatment options including the Hydrosurge bathing system that sooths itchy skin and can help heal the irritation caused by allergies and by scratching.

Other treatment options available include topical and oral supplements to help boost pet immune systems and skin health. Finally, there are oral medications available singly or in combination with other medications and treatment methods.

In most cases, a well-rounded approach to treating seasonal allergies works best. Preventative actions, such as oral supplements and topical treatments combined with oral medications to treat the actual reaction to allergens along with a soothing bath in the Hydrosurge bathing system is most effective according to Dr. Firth.

Dr. Firth has a long history of serving local pets and their owners with sound advice and treatment methodology. "I pride myself in offering a modernly-equipped facility along with a well-educated health care team in order to properly care for the pets entrusted into my care. We work hard to share the latest information on seasonal allergies and other pet health issues with owners so they can make informed decisions about their pets' health," says Dr. Firth.

Pet owners with questions or concerns about seasonal allergies or the Hydrosurge bathing system are encouraged to call 519-681-4377 to learn more or schedule an appointment.

About Firth Veterinary Hospital

Firth Veterinary Hospital is located on Wellington Road South in London, Ontario. The facility offers a wide range of services for area pet owners including surgery and operating room procedures, radiography, ultrasound, laboratory services, behavior consultations, pet training, preventative care, emergency care and more.

