Putnam Investments Earns Dalbar Total Client Experience Award

BOSTON, Jan. 12, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dalbar announced today the 2015 winner of its Total Client Experience Award. For the fifth consecutive year, Putnam Investments was the only firm to emerge as a leader in the combination of quality, accuracy, and security of customer service provided to investors.

The Dalbar Information & Transaction Accuracy Program measures the complete experience of the customer, evaluating the level of professionalism that is demonstrated by the financial services firm’s personnel and the follow through – the accurate execution of transactions and requests while ensuring thorough security protocols.

Putnam Investments representatives achieved a level of excellence for:

  • Providing a superior standard of care by actively listening, asking pertinent questions to guide the discussion and setting appropriate expectations for customers
  • Being complete and accurate when performing a transaction on behalf of each customer
  • Verifying the identity of customers before discussing any sensitive information about their account 

The Total Client Experience Award is based on systematic testing throughout the year. Dalbar conducts thousands of tests to measure how financial companies respond to their customers’ needs, from the level of accuracy when providing information, to making changes to an account and ensuring that they are speaking with the owner, or those authorized to act on their behalf, before engaging in sensitive account activity. 

"Putnam understands that in order to truly deliver a superior standard of care they must gain each customer’s confidence and trust. This takes a high degree of professionalism coupled with ensuring accuracy in the information that is provided, or transaction being conducted on their behalf,” said Kathleen Whalen, Managing Director at Dalbar.  

For more information on Dalbar’s Information & Transaction Accuracy Program or the Total Client Experience Service Award, please contact Brooke Halloran at 617-624-7273 or bhalloran@dalbar.com.

Dalbar, Inc. is the financial community’s leading independent expert for evaluating, auditing and rating business practices, customer performance, product quality and service. Launched in 1976, Dalbar has earned the recognition for consistent and unbiased evaluations of investment companies, registered investment advisers, insurance companies, broker/dealers, retirement plan providers and financial professionals. Dalbar awards are recognized as marks of excellence in the financial community.

