The Center's Publications Now Available as Healthcare Podcast Episodes

CLEVELAND, April 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Thursday, March 17, The Center for Health Affairs launched a healthcare podcast to feature its monthly Issue Briefs and Policy Snapshots. For more than 10 years, The Center has released these publications to set the context for healthcare issues in the news. Hard copies are mailed to key stakeholders and electronic copies are posted online, emailed to a distribution list and communicated to the public via social media. The Center's healthcare podcast episodes aim to share this unique content in a new way with a wider audience.

Currently, The Center's podcast features six healthcare podcast episodes read by Deanna Moore, vice president of corporate communications and Kirstin Craciun, director of community outreach. They cover topics such as Medicaid expansion, community health, patient-centered medical homes and vaccination. Healthcare podcast episodes are hosted by SoundCloud and can be played directly from The Center's website at or on-the-go by following the directions below.

1. Download the free SoundCloud app to your device.
2. Sign in or create an account.
3. Click the magnifying glass and search for "NEOHospitals."
4. Click the orange "Follow" button to start following The Center's podcast stream.
5. Click on individual podcast episodes to listen.

To learn more about The Center's podcast or suggest a topic for future healthcare podcast episodes, contact Deanna Moore at 216.255.3614.


With a rich history as the Northeast Ohio hospital association, dating back to 1916, The Center for Health Affairs serves as the collective voice of hospitals and the source for Northeast Ohio hospital and healthcare information. As the leading advocate for Northeast Ohio hospitals, The Center aims to enhance the effectiveness of the healthcare community and the health of the communities it serves by providing expertise, resources and solutions to address the challenges faced by the region's healthcare providers. The Center's efforts focus on areas that benefit member hospitals from a regional approach, including healthcare workforce; emergency preparedness; public policy and advocacy; finance and reimbursement; and community initiatives. And because of its business affiliation with CHAMPS Healthcare, The Center has the resources to provide a broad level of professional services to its members. The Center, located in downtown Cleveland, is proud to advocate on behalf of 34 acute-care hospitals and two long-term acute-care hospitals in six counties. The Center for Health Affairs is honored to be named as one of The Cleveland Plain Dealer's Top Workplaces in 2014 and 2015, as well as to ERC's NorthCoast99 List in 2003, 2004, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2015. For more, visit 2016 marks 100 years of hospital advocacy and partnerships for The Center for Health Affairs and CHAMPS Healthcare. The centennial anniversary includes a community gift, commemorative timeline and celebratory event. To learn more visit

