amuzigo’s Talent Search Auditions Open June 18th Online

SEDONA, Ariz., June 22, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This summer, the entertainment and events app amuzigo, will embark on a nationwide search for America’s next big undiscovered entertainers to become characters in a series of videos titled “amuzigo a love story.”

A video accompanying this announcement is available at

The talent competition is open to performers of all types including comedians, musicians, actors, etc. The competitors will perform live to a panel of judges and audience and the winners will be selected that night.

Those interested can submit their audition online at between June 18 – July 16, 2017. amuzigo will review the first round of online auditions and call back the top submissions for a second round of auditions, to be performed live in a talent show on August 16, 2016 located at Sound Bites Grill in Sedona, Arizona, who along with Pepsi are sponsors of the talent search.

Capitalizing on the current marketing trend of creating episodic commercials, amuzigo’s series of videos will be released over a period of time. The story line features a man and woman, their struggle to make it big in the entertainment industry, the ultimate meet cute and all the events and entertainment they experience along the way because of the app. The idea is to create characters that users of the app will cheer for and keep them engaged with the app all while creating a key point of differentiation for amuzigo to stand out from the millions of other apps.

amuzigo was created after Scott Clark, founder and CEO, missed his favorite band not once, but twice while visiting Las Vegas. This inspired the idea for the key feature of amuzigo—the only app that sends notices about upcoming events users specify.

Unlike other event apps amuzigo will provide the personalized event information regardless of the user’s location, so whether the user is in Sedona, NYC or Las Vegas, the GPS functionality instantly finds events based on their current location. Moreover, individual interests can be prioritized to give push notifications as requested for new posts. Additionally, amuzigo is the only app that offers artists of all types and venues the opportunity to create their own profiles and promote their events.

“For venues and entertainers, promoting their events on amuzigo will allow them to target people who are specifically interested in their type of entertainment, thus effectively reaching a more targeted audience which could lead to more tickets sold and more filled seats,” explains Betsy Klein who handles marketing and PR for amuzigo. “amuzigo offers a far more effective and productive method of marketing than other social media events, posts or apps. Most importantly, it is free. The founders of the amuzigo app want to support all types of entertainers and headliners and this is one way the two groups can find one another to book performances as well as expand their audience.”

Those who join in and discover that amuzigo is new to their city and state are encouraged to enter their own events, as content is provided by users. Anyone can create a profile and begin promoting their entertainment and events, which can include anyone from a painter to a magician, author to sports teams, musician to business expo, etc. Additionally any venue and organization can promote their events. For cities with a chamber of commerce, this is a great way for their website’s calendar of events to become mobile friendly by utilizing amuzigo.

For more information and to download the app go to

