Botox Reigns Supreme as the Most Widely Accepted Non-Surgical Treatment in Global Survey Results by ISAPS

Men and women are choosing Botox to “stop time” with no reservations

NEW YORK, Aug. 30, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- People across the world are stopping the hands of time with the help of a very popular injectable. Botox, or botulinum toxin, remains a household name as the single most popular drug in the field of aesthetics. In 2015, over 4.5 million injections were performed worldwide, with women taking the top spot.

From women (and, increasingly, men) this injectable earns the top spot as the most chosen non-surgical procedure, evidenced by the latest results of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) Global Survey. Botox makes up 38.4% of non-surgical procedures overall.

Women make up the majority with 4,003,837, or 86.5% of those electing the injections, and men claim 623,914, or 13.5%. The United States takes the top spot with 1,141,595 injections, followed by Brazil with 359,865.

“We’re seeing more and more applications of Botox across the world,” notes Susumu Takayanagi, MD, President of ISAPS. “The fact that an injectable can be used to prevent wrinkles is truly extraordinary, and the public is responding. Not only does this procedure require little to no downtime, but the results are immediate. Women and men see Botox as the first step in preserving a youthful look.” The results are available on the ISAPS website,, in the News section, and will be discussed at the global Congress in Kyoto, Japan, October 23–27, 2016.

Because of it’s efficacy at reducing “dynamic” lines and preventing them from forming, people are opting for Botox to literally stop wrinkles in their tracks. This “no guilt” option that temporarily freezes facial muscles is increasingly chosen as a wrinkle releaser. In addition, Botox has FDA approval for treating migraine pain and urinary incontinence, and is gaining approval to treat other bladder-related issues. Because the effects are temporary, people are on regular regimes with their practitioners, helping to boost the numbers.

This collection of information of surgical and non-surgical treatments from 2015 was tabulated from a questionnaire sent to approximately 35,000 plastic surgeons in the ISAPS database. ISAPS is the only organization that collects this type of data on a global scale and the study is viewed as a valuable resource in the field. The International Survey on Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures Performed in 2015 was compiled, tabulated and analyzed by Industry Insights, Inc.,, an independent research firm based in Columbus, OH.

About ISAPS:

The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is the premier global organization for board certified plastic surgeons. Regarded as the leading global educator in aesthetic procedures, ISAPS offers its more than 3,200 members in 103 countries over 30 courses, workshops and symposia each year, conducted by a world-class faculty, with the primary goal of teaching aesthetic best practices and ensuring patient safety. Through its rigorous membership screening, ISAPS is a guardian of patient safety internationally, making it the patient’s global resource to find qualified and experienced aesthetic plastic surgeons.

