Downtown Toronto Chiropractor Dr. Brian Dower Specializing in Sports Chiropractic for Soccer and Hockey Players

TORONTO, Sept. 25, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Brian Dower is offering Toronto area athletes specialized sports chiropractic treatments and services. Chiropractic care for sports such as soccer and hockey can make all the difference in recovering from and avoiding injury, and Dr. Dower is pleased to offer a range of treatments for athletic individuals.

Both soccer and hockey require high levels of coordination and aerobic fitness. Players receive both an athletic challenge and an excellent form of exercise. Unfortunately, the intensity of these sports can open participants to numerous types of injury.

Both games involve player-to-player contact and the continual possibility of falling down or being struck. Common injuries include strains, sprains, full fractures and stress fractures. Athletes are also prone to knee injuries such as cartilage tears, sprains of the anterior cruciate ligament and patellar tendonitis.

Other possible injuries include calf pulls, leg muscle strains, Achilles tendonitis and shin splints. Common upper extremity injuries include wrist sprains and fractures, upper body strains, clavicle breaks and shoulder dislocations. These injuries typically occur when the athlete falls or collides with other players. Head and neck injuries are also common.

Fortunately, there are preventative measures athletes can take to avoid injury while playing soccer and hockey. Well-fitted footwear – ice skates or cleats – can help with ensuring the athlete is sure on their feet. The appropriate gear for the sport should always be worn during practice and competition. Players should be vigilant about playing field and rink conditions.

Preventative chiropractic care and treatments can help with identifying potential weak areas and making adjustments before they become an issue. Toronto chiropractic treatments can also address current injuries to expedite healing and reduce the chances of further injury.

Dr. Brian Dower, D.C., B.Comm. says, “Chiropractic care can help hockey and soccer players to heal faster, avoid future injury, and improve coordination, balance, range of motion and performance.”

The downtown Toronto chiropractic office of Dr. Brian Dower is located at 28 Park Road. Those in the public who would like to learn more about sports or general chiropractic services may do so by calling (647) 931-6551. Additional information about the Toronto chiropractor can also be accessed on their website at

