Source : Canadian Heritage (Ottawa)

Consultations on Canadian Content in a Digital World - Vancouver

Minister Joly hosts an in-person event in Vancouver with representatives from various sectors

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Sept. 26, 2016) - Department of Canadian Heritage

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, today hosts the first of six in-person discussions that will take place across the country in the coming weeks with representatives from a variety of sectors and members of the general public. This discussion is taking place as part of the consultations on Canadian Content in a Digital World.

Vancouver, one of the world's leading digital media and information and communication technology centres, is an ideal place to host the first official in-person discussion. A performance by Vancouver-based Spakwus Slulum (the Eagle Song Dancers) will inspire the participants in their dialogue on the wealth and diversity of Canadian content in the digital world.

Rapidly changing technological advances are affecting how Canadians produce and consume cultural content; as a result, the cultural sector is facing new challenges and opportunities. These consultations will help the Government of Canada determine the best ways to assist the cultural sector in navigating these changes and seizing opportunities to contribute to the country's economic growth and innovation.

These in-person events will contribute to the success of the consultations by making it possible to gather valuable input from a variety of voices in the arts and culture scene.

All Canadians are invited to join the conversation and take part in the discussions at any time through the Web portal and social media using the hashtag #DigiCanCon. Canadians also have the opportunity to lead in-person discussions in their communities using the consultation kit available online.

Live social media events will take place during the consultation period, allowing interested people across the country to comment on numerous topics and issues covered by the consultations. Canadians can register now to take part in the live social media events on October 12, 2016; October 28, 2016; and November 7, 2016.


"I am thrilled to be in Vancouver today to kick off a series of in-person discussions with Canadians, including artists, creators, and cultural businesses. I know that these discussions will allow our Government to better understand the issues and expectations regarding Canadian content creation, discovery and promotion in this new environment in which we live. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all Canadians to take part in this important exercise, either through our Web portal or by having discussions on social media with the hashtag #DigiCanCon. Together, let's be innovative and find new ways to create and promote quality Canadian content that stands out."

-The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage

Quick Facts

- The Department of Canadian Heritage developed a discussion paper based on the results of the pre-consultations. This document will help guide this phase of the consultations on Canadian Content in a Digital World.

- Throughout this process, the Government of Canada will listen to Canadians to learn how best to strengthen Canadian content creation, discovery and export in a digital world and to examine the federal government's current cultural policy toolkit.

- These discussions will be guided by three key principles. The approach will:

-- focus on respecting citizen choice and supporting creators in making great, compelling content;

-- reflect Canada's incredible diversity in the content that is produced and support the production of news information and local content that is credible and reliable; and

-- drive social and economic innovation by forging strong links between creativity, economic growth and social resilience.

- Canadians have until November 25 to provide their input.

- This consultation process follows a pre-consultation questionnaire completed by close to 10,000 Canadians.

Associated Links

Consultations - Canadian Content in a Digital World

Expert Advisory Group Announced

Spakwus Slulum (the Eagle Song Dancers)

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Pierre-Olivier Herbert
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Media Relations
Canadian Heritage