Source : Free Speech Coalition

FSC: Leading HIV/AIDS Groups Oppose Prop 60, the Adult Film Initiative

Los Angeles LGBT Center, San Francisco AIDS Foundation and AIDS Project LA Join Major LGBT Groups in Calling for Defeat of Prop 60

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 08, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Los Angeles LGBT Center, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, APLA Health (formerly AIDS Project LA) and The Wall Las Memorias, four of the state’s largest and most influential HIV/AIDS organizations have called on voters to defeat Proposition 60, a November ballot initiative that would give any resident of California the power to sue adult performers if a condom isn’t visible in an adult film.

The controversial proposition has also been opposed by the San Francisco Medical Society, the St. James Infirmary, and major LGBT and civil rights organizations, including Equality California, the Transgender Law Center, and the Courage Campaign.

“Make no mistake, Proposition 60 is harmful to the health of adult performers,” says Eric Paul Leue, Executive Director of the Free Speech Coalition. “Proposition 60 is a misguided morals campaign that threatens to destroy the protocols that have kept adult performers safe on set for over a decade. It traffics in stigma and fear, and will put adult workers at risk by forcing the industry underground and out-of-state. Those who care about performer health must work to defeat Prop 60.”

Proposition 60 has also been opposed by the California Democratic Party, the California Republican Party, the California Libertarian Party, the San Francisco Democratic Party, the Los Angeles Democratic Party, the Harvey Milk Democratic Club, the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club, Sen. Mark Leno, and the leading performer group APAC (the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee), and many, many others.

In addition, all of California’s seven largest papers have asked voters to Vote No on 60.

The Free Speech Coalition is the national trade association for the adult entertainment and pleasure products industries. Its mission is to lead, protect and support the diverse adult entertainment community.