Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness Warns of the Dangers of “Text Neck”

SAN ANTONIO, May 07, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As technology advances, it brings a new set of concerns into the picture along with its benefits. Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness today warned of the dangers of "text neck" – a painful condition resulting from looking down at phones and other devices for prolonged periods. This issue is named after the activity people are usually doing while looking at a phone in this way, but it can also occur from anything else that causes people to take this posture.

Even though many activities result in participants looking downward, cell phones and other devices have the unique ability to hold people's attention for hours on end. Texting, playing mobile games, and reading emails are all riveting activities that encourage people to stop paying attention to anything else. On top of that, the very mobility of a mobile device makes it easy to keep engaging with it for hours. This makes using such a device much different from reading a book, drawing, or some other activity that requires one to look downward.

Text neck occurs due to remaining in this posture for too long or too frequently. It results in strained muscles in the neck, upper back and neck pain that can be severe, and muscle spasms. If the issue isn't addressed, it can cause even worse problems, including some that may last for years.

"In many cases, people can avoid long-term pain by adjusting their stances to avoid the looking-down posture and be sure to give their body regular rest periods. Hold the device up so that it is at eye level, and take breaks every 20 minutes or so. Set an alarm to be sure that the breaks are taken at the recommended intervals," suggested Dr. Donald Phillips, DC, owner of Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness.

If the pain has just started, adjusting one's posture will typically bring relief within just a few days. However, if it has been going on for prolonged periods or a more advanced injury has already resulted, chiropractic treatment will be needed.

"When the pain hasn't stopped, it's time to visit a chiropractor. The doctor can perform adjustments to any vertebrae that have been wedged of alignment. Chiropractors can also suggest therapeutic exercises and stretches, perform massage, administer cold laser therapy, and take other steps to relieve the pain and damage from poor texting posture," Dr. Phillips said.

About Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness

This clinic is owned and operated by Dr. Donald Phillips, DC. He has been a chiropractor for over 25 years and currently serves the San Antonio area. Visit their website at http://drphillipschiro.com/ for more information on their hours, services, and location.

