Rinzinzin creates RNZ Security

MAGOG, Quebec, June 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mobile apps developer Rinzinzin launches RNZ Security, a division that will concentrate on the creation of emergency measures apps for small and medium-sized businesses, education facilities, cities and emergency management organizations (EMO’s). RNZ Security will offer a generic application that will answer the needs of small and medium-sized businesses and schools but will custom build apps for large businesses, cities and emergency management organizations (EMO’s) who need to coordinate efforts with multiple agencies, their staff and existing plans.

The proposed generic app is a simple, fast and effective way to alert, coordinate and reassure employees, students and parents in an emergency situation. “The goal of RNZ Security is not to scare people says, Gary Denault, CEO of Rinzinzin and RNZ Security. But we all know that security measures are not top of mind for employees, teachers or students with all they have to do in a day. The emergency measures binder is often kept somewhere in an office and isn’t the preferred bedtime reading of most employees, so nobody knows what to do exactly in case of an emergency. With our app, we centralize the information and allow everyone to have the emergency measures binder right on their phone. In case of an emergency, everyone is on the same page and has access to important information in real-time.”

The apps for large businesses, cities or EMO’s will allow all stakeholders to follow the same course of action and be on the same page. “Our app is a two-way communication system that will allow users to share footage or pictures enabling emergency responders to know in real-time what is happening and where, which will greatly improve intervention strategies. In the case of a flood or forest fire, the situation evolves rapidly and real-time information is mission critical,” adds Denault.

RNZ Security has already rolled out an app and proof of concept for the Séminiare de Sherbrooke, a high school in Sherbrooke, Québec that addresses the need to centralize meaningful information to make the right decisions in case of an emergency. RNZ Security also produced an app for four daycare centers in Montreal whose main purpose is to inform parents should an emergency arise. “The demand for apps by schools and colleges is increasing,” says Sylvain Tanguay, Development director for RNZ Security. Tragic events in schools and workplaces across the US in the past few years has brought to the forefront the need to be prepared for anything but there is still a lot of work to do to get people working together in a coordinated manner and have all the information readily available.”

RINZINZIN, member of the Magog Technopole IT community, develops, designs and creates mobile apps for small and medium sized businesses. More than 100 apps powered by RINZINZIN are available in Apple’s App Store or in the Google Play Store. To see our app: www.rnzsecurity.com



