Keep your pets safe this Canada Day weekend with tips from the Ontario SPCA

STOUFFVILLE, Ontario, June 30, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Canadians from coast to coast celebrate Canada Day, the Ontario SPCA wants to remind pet owners to remember their furry friends to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Frightening fireworks

Many pets are frightened by fireworks and need a bit of extra care and consideration over the long weekend. Here are a few ways to help minimize stress for you and your pet:

  • Keep pets at home in a safe place indoors. This will help reduce the noise level of the fireworks and reduce the risk of your pet running away if he/she is spooked.
  • Provide a safe "escape" place for your animal. Scared animals like to hide.
  • Use a leash or carrier if you must be outside with your pet and keep it on your pet at all times.
  • Make sure your pet’s ID is current. Should your pet run away, having an updated ID tag or microchip on your pet will help increase your chances of being reunited.

Be water wise

If your long weekend plans include a trip to the cottage, a cruise on a boat or a day of swimming at a lake, follow these pointers before your pooch makes a splash:

  • Take your dog’s collar off before they go swimming to prevent them from getting caught on branches or other hazards.
  • Don’t assume your dog will be fine, never push them in and never leave your dog unsupervised by any body of water.
  • Outfit your four-legged friend with a dog life-jacket. Any dog, even “water breeds,” can become fatigued and need the safety and support of a dog life jacket. Do not try to modify a human life jacket for this use.
  • Watch out for strong currents and rapids, which can be a danger to you both.
  • Rinse your pet off after they have been in any type of water. Bacteria, salt, chlorine, algae and pollution can irritate their skin.
  • Don’t let your dog drink lake or river/stream water. Bacteria and parasites in this water can make your dog ill. Bring fresh water with you to keep your dog hydrated.

No Hot Pets

The Ontario SPCA would also like to remind pet owners about the dangers of leaving pets unattended in vehicles. If you can’t take your pet with you when you leave your car, leave them at home where they are safe. Here’s why:

  • Parked cars can quickly reach deadly temperatures, even on relatively mild days with the car parked in the shade and the windows slightly open. 
  • Dogs have a limited ability to sweat, so even a short time in a hot environment can be life-threatening. A dog's normal body temperature is about 39°C and a temperature of 41°C can be withstood only for a very short time before irreparable brain damage or even death can occur.
  • Owners who choose to leave pets unattended in vehicles may face charges under the Ontario SPCA Act or the Criminal Code of Canada.

If you see an animal left in a vehicle, call 310-SPCA (7722) or your local police immediately. Visit to take the pledge

“Don’t let your long weekend end with an emergency trip to the veterinarian because your pet was injured or became ill,” says Connie Mallory, Chief Inspector, Ontario SPCA. “Keeping in mind simple pet safety tips will help your pet have a great weekend, too.”

For more summer pet safety tips, visit the Ontario SPCA’s blog at

Ontario SPCA and Humane Society:

Protecting animals since 1873, Ontario SPCA is Ontario's Animal Welfare organization. A registered charity comprised of close to 50 Communities.

Since 1919, when Ontario's first Animal Welfare legislation was proclaimed, the Ontario SPCA, with the help of its Communities, has been entrusted to maintain and enforce Animal Welfare legislation. The Act provides Ontario SPCA Agents and Inspectors with police powers to do so.

Ontario SPCA provides leadership in animal welfare innovations including introducing high-volume spay/neuter services to Ontario and opening the Provincial Education and Animal Centre.

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