Source : Epazz, Inc.

Epazz Files for Patent on Blockchain Smart Legal Contracts Technology

CHICAGO, Dec. 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Epazz, Inc. (OTC: EPAZ), a leading provider of blockchain cryptocurrency mobile apps and cloud-based business software solutions, announced today that the company has filed a provisional patent for its new blockchain smart legal contract technology that reduces fraud in business transactional contracts. The technology allows for a transactional contract to become a living contract that is tracked and traced; it also verifies that a section of terms within a contract are followed and that all parties of an agreement obey the terms of the contract.

Paper contracts require each party to keep a copy of the contract, spend time reading the contract, ensure they have the original contract with all the correct signatures and memorize the terms of the contract. However, our technology, which is under development, automatically verifies signatures, distributes the contract to the blockchain, records the transaction and verifies the terms are being followed via our blockchain apps, which also trace any changes. The technology sends reminders and tracks payments and delivery of items. The technology will work with Word and Google Docs to provide real-time contract edits and updates via version control.

The company will add the technology to BoxesOS, which we are working on upgrading to new blockchain technology. All of our software programs will soon have blockchain technology automatically built in. The next version of BoxesOS has been created into the new platform using the latest Microsoft technologies. The new version of BoxesOS will be called BoxesOS 2018. Some of the new features include blockchain payment processing, smart contracts, online document editing, web content management, cloud integration tools, a cloud database and an application builder.

Shaun Passley, PhD, CEO of Epazz, stated, “Blockchain-based technology is the future of the Internet. Epazz will add blockchain technology to all of our products in the coming months using our blockchain cloud platform, BoxesOS.” Shaun further added, “The company has been working with customers to understand the best uses of blockchain, and we are excited about filing the first of many blockchain patents, with many more to come.”

Additionally, the company is testing the Android version of ZenaPay, which will be released on December 31, 2017. We are also working on the next version of ZenaPay for IOS users.

About ZenaPay (www.zenapay.com)

ZenaPay has been developed to solve a major problem in high-risk industries: getting paid. Traditional banking systems will not allow high-risk industries to access their payment systems. ZenaPay offers a cutting-edge payment solution that provides consumers with a way to buy items online or in stores using Bitcoin. The new Bitcoin payment software allows consumers to use the digital currency to make online or in-store purchases with ease. Additionally, the process is anonymous because all transaction details are encrypted through Bitcoin, allowing stores to accept digital currency in addition to cash. You can download the ZenaPay Bitcoin Wallet today at the app store.

About Epazz, Inc. (www.epazz.com)

Epazz, Inc. specializes in enterprise cryptocurrency blockchain mobile apps and cloud business process software, and it has over 500 repeat customers. The new Bitcoin mobile app is a financial technology service that uses unique Bitcoin payment mobile app software to allow consumers to acquire Bitcoin at the point-of-sale. The consumer can then use the cryptocurrency or digital currency to make a purchase at the store with ease. Epazz technology makes it easy to convert legacy systems into cloud business process software, for which the company then charges an annual subscription fee. Epazz has acquired 11 software companies that have converted or are in the process of converting their legacy software products to cloud software using Epazz’s technology. Epazz then markets the new cloud-based solutions to new and existing customers.


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