World Plumbing Day Brings Opportunities to the Plumbing Industry Across Canada, Around the Globe

TORONTO, March 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating (CIPH) and the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCA Canada) continue to support World Plumbing Day every March 11 by commemorating accomplishments, raising global awareness and looking to the future for this critical, wide-ranging and progressive industry.

To honour the day, CIPH and MCA Canada are encouraging Canadian trade associations, plumbing organizations, wholesaler distributors, manufacturers, plumbing engineering firms, schools and individuals to celebrate the important role played by Canada’s plumbing industry.

“Plumbing is often undervalued or underappreciated in the importance of basic life necessities,” says Ralph Suppa, President and General Manager at CIPH. “World Plumbing Day is not only a celebration – it’s an industry responsibility to promote the important relationship we all have with water and what it means to everyone on a Canadian and global level.”

CIPH has developed a Canadian and globally-based World Plumbing Day Infographic to highlight Canada’s most prominent natural resource, encouraging industry members to utilize the information and share with staff, customers and partners.

“As the voice of the mechanical contracting industry in Canada, we always look to shine a light on important issues – both here and abroad,” says Richard McKeagan, Chief Executive Officer at MCAC. “World Plumbing Day allows us to do just that by engaging in a discussion with our members, our industry and advocating thought leadership within all of our business sectors across Canada.”

About World Plumbing Day
Established in 2010, thanks to the efforts of the World Plumbing Council, World Plumbing Day is dedicated to helping the general public better understand the vital role the plumbing industry plays in protecting public health and safety.

Clean water is not a luxury. Safe clear drinking water and sanitation are possible in any nation, big or small, when simple, sound plumbing practices are adopted. Quality water supply and sanitation are constant fundamentals of a healthy human society. Technology may change, and cultures may evolve but this fact of life will not. To live together in the world, humans need plumbing ... and of course plumbers!

For more information please contact:

Daryl Sharkey, CAE                                                                          
Director, Member Services                                                                     
Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada                   

Matt Wiesenfeld, MBA
Program Manager
Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating

A PDF accompanying this announcement is available at

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