Data from Scout Exchange Shows Improved Gender Parity in Hiring

In advance of #EqualPayDay, survey results reveal increasing demand for diversity recruiting; marketplace data verifies corresponding rise in female executive hires and pay

Boston, MA, April 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recent data from Scout Exchange, a platform for marketplace recruiting, reveals improved gender parity with increasing demand and pay for female executives. The analysis, released in advance of #EqualPayDay tomorrow, reflects findings from an extensive survey of Scout’s search firm recruiters, as well as activity from its recruitment marketplace, which is used by hundreds of the world’s largest employers.   

Recruiter Survey Results

A February 2018 survey sent to over 1,200 Scout marketplace recruiters uncovered the following results:

  • Majority (60%) claim “diversity recruiting” is a top priority for “some” or “all” of their clients
  • 80% experienced an increasing number of requests for female executives in the past year
  • 68% believe it is more challenging to find female executive candidates
  • Over half (66%) consider female executive candidates easier to place than males 

Scout Recruitment Marketplace Analysis

Separately from the survey, Scout analyzed activity across its recruitment marketplace, which includes hundreds of large employers, thousands of recruiters, and hundreds of thousands of candidate submissions. Looking at hires within the $150k and above “executive” salary band, the data revealed a 41% jump in the ratio of female to male hires made after October of 2017, correlating with the start of the global #MeToo movement. 

Additionally, the analysis showed that female executive salaries are increasing at 2X the rate of  their male counterparts. 

And although males represent the vast majority of total Scout marketplace submissions, the analysis found that female candidates are twice as likely to get hired versus their male counterparts, meaning recruiters who find and submit qualified female candidates have a 100% better chance of making a successful placement.

Digging deeper, Scout identified a potential gender bias between recruiters and the candidates they submit. On average,

  • Female recruiters are 25% more likely to submit female candidates
  • Male recruiters are 16% more likely to submit male candidates

Finding Recruiters with Proven Success Sourcing Female Talent

With the ability to identify recruiters with high success submitting diverse candidates, Scout’s platform, marketplace and matching technology is helping employers achieve their diversity goals.  This can include recruiting a more gender balanced pool of talented candidates, which creates greater gender parity both in terms of hires and salaries.

“Our survey data confirms the importance of diversity recruiting, which continues to be a top priority for our enterprise customers. And, the marketplace activity data shows that we can identify those recruiters best able to tap into diverse talent pools.” said Scout Exchange CEO Ken Lazarus.  “Our machine learning uses this data to match recruiters best able to deliver diverse candidates by job type to meet specific goals such as gender parity.” 

About Scout Exchange

Scout is a platform for marketplace recruiting, providing a new way to connect employers with the best recruiters to fill jobs with great talent. Analyzing millions of data points from thousands of recruiters in its marketplace, Scout’s performance matching algorithms connect specialty search firm recruiters to marketplace jobs in their area of expertise. Using machine learning technology, Scout determines which recruiters are best able to successfully fill each requisition, based on past performance by job type. By curating the best recruiters for each job, Scout ensures higher quality candidates, faster time to fill and reduced cost. The platform also provides a world class process, comprehensive analytics, reporting and benchmarking, as well as consolidated contracting, invoicing and payment. Seamlessly integrated with Applicant Tracking Systems used by 90% of enterprises, Scout is trusted by hundreds of employers, including 50 Fortune 500 companies, and thousands of the best search firm recruiters. For more information visit


Infographic: Diversity recruiting data from Scout Exchange, April 2018

Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, April 10, 2018. This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.

Data from Scout Exchange recruitment marketplace shows progress on gender parity since start of #MeToo movement in October 2017.
