MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge Hosts MIT Technology Review’s 10 Breakthrough Technologies

Tech Review Editor David Rotman shares insights into dueling neural networks, artificial embryos, AI in the cloud and other top technologies of 2018

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When it comes to innovation that redefines how we work, live and play, MIT sits at the epicenter. Each year,  MIT Technology Review -- the world’s longest-running technology magazine -- publishes its highly anticipated list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies to bring context to those its team of internationally recognized journalists consider most profound.

On Wednesday, May 16, the MIT Enterprise Forum (MITEF) of Cambridge will host MIT Technology Review Editor David Rotman at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard for an interactive discussion highlighting the magazine’s picks for 2018. Especially interested in the intersection of chemistry, materials science, energy, manufacturing and economics, Rothman joined Technology Review in 1998. His two-decade tenure gives him unique perspectives into the technologies selected for this year’s roster.

This year’s technologies include:

  • 3-D Metal Printing - Now printers can make metal objects quickly and cheaply.
  • Artificial Embryos - Without using eggs or sperm cells, researchers have made embryo-like structures from stem cells alone, providing a whole new route to creating life.
  • Sensing City - A Toronto neighborhood aims to be the first place to successfully integrate cutting-edge urban design with state-of-the-art digital technology.
  • AI for Everybody - Cloud-based AI is making the technology cheaper and easier to use.
  • Dueling Neural Networks - Two AI systems can spar with each other to create ultra-realistic original images or sounds, something machines have never been able to do before.
  • Babel-Fish Earbuds - Near-real-time translation now works for a large number of languages and is easy to use.
  • Zero-Carbon Natural Gas - A power plant efficiently and cheaply captures carbon released by burning natural gas, avoiding greenhouse-gas emissions.
  • Perfect Online Privacy - Computer scientists are perfecting a cryptographic tool for proving something without revealing the information underlying the proof.
  • Genetic Fortune Telling - Scientists can now use your genome to predict your chances of getting heart disease or breast cancer, and even your IQ.
  • Materials' Quantum Leap - IBM has simulated the electronic structure of a small molecule, using a seven-qubit quantum computer.

“Each year, Tech Review considers dozens of technology advancements affecting business and societal trends to define what’s always a thought-provoking Top 10,” said MITEF of Cambridge Executive Director Katja Wald. “The annual edition is a must-read for anyone involved in the innovation economy, so having David walk us through his team’s thoughts and expectations is a not-to-be-missed opportunity.”  

Event Details:
MIT Technology Review’s 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2018
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, 400 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA
5:30 - 6:00 p.m. - Registration & networking (light refreshments served)
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Welcome & program
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Beer, wine & networking
Registration and more information is available online.

The evening is made possible by sponsors CHEN PR, Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, Morse Barnes-Brown Pendleton, Withum Audit Tax Advisory and Wolf Greenfield.

About the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge
The MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge is the founding chapter and one of 27 worldwide chapters comprising the MIT Enterprise Forum, Inc. Offering more than 40 programs and events annually that inspire innovation, MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge initiatives facilitate critical one-on-one mentoring while providing team services that increase the skills and expertise necessary for entrepreneurs to succeed.

