ETFO: Ford gets a failing grade when it comes to promises for education

Lack of understanding of classroom realities plus cuts spell disaster

Toronto, ON, June 01, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Doug Ford has received a failing grade from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) for offering nothing that will improve education in Ontario.

“Virtually nothing in Ford’s promises will lead to improvements in Ontario’s education system; in fact his plan would set public education backwards. As well, his un-costed plan will likely mean massive cuts to education and other public services that are far greater than he initially projected,” said ETFO President Sam Hammond.

“The Ford PC party is promising almost no investment in education. There is no commitment to review the education funding formula or reduce class sizes, meet the needs of students with special needs and high-risk behaviours nor address the $16 billion backlog for crumbling schools. Ontarians can’t afford to go back to the days of the previous PC government that were characterized by narrow classroom learning and cuts to school programs and supports.”

“Ford’s promises reflect a lack of understanding of classroom realities. Parents and teachers know how children learn - through hands-on, experiential learning. They understand that standardized tests like EQAO take time away from preparing students with real skills development like critical thinking, problem solving, communications, creativity and working collaboratively. They also get the importance of individualized instruction and supporting individual student needs,” said Hammond.

”Ford’s plan also reflects a lack of understanding of student realities. The current physical education and health curriculum is designed to protect children and develop their awareness of critical issues like consent. Many parents were consulted in its development. Going back to an out-dated curriculum would put students at risk.”

Because Ford has refused to release a fully costed platform, his website suggests that a PC government will deliver huge cuts to education and other public services.

“The average Ontario family will be worse off. They’ll get very little in the way of tax cuts promised by Ford and will experience cuts to their public services while the highest income earners benefit the most,” added Hammond.

ETFO is committed to building better schools. Its Building Better Schools education agenda can be viewed at It represents 81,000 elementary public school teachers, occasional teachers and education professionals across the province.

