Sovrin Foundation Named Top Blockchain Company by OWI

New York, NY, Aug. 02, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sovrin Foundation, an international non-profit whose mission is to promote self-sovereign identity online, has, today, been named a top infrastructure builder in the One World Identity (OWI) report “Blockchain and Identity in 2018: A Year of Promise and Pilots." The new whitepaper from OWI, an independent advisory firm focused on trust and the data economy, provides a comprehensive review of the state of blockchain for identity as of the second quarter of 2018. The paper highlights 18 companies and organizations — 13 featured companies and five up-and-coming companies to watch — at the forefront of the blockchain identity landscape.

 “The Sovrin Foundation is thrilled to be named among the top blockchain identity pilots of 2018 by OWI,” said Heather C. Dahl, Executive Director of the Sovrin Foundation. “The Sovrin Network provides a complete approach to identity from the distributed ledger to device. As an infrastructure provider in the blockchain space, developers using Sovrin are free to provide creative solutions to many of the market’s toughest identity related problems.”

Among the report’s findings are the following observations:

  • Investment in blockchain-based projects has already surpassed 2017 totals, but the hysteria has subsided.
  • Expect 2019 to be a year of retrenchment as enterprises get smarter about their needs, regulators catch up, and the bad ideas start to peter out.
  • Investment levels in blockchain-centric companies and organizations have remained high, and more educated investors and customers have begun to differentiate cryptocurrencies from the wider applicability of distributed ledger technologies.


The Sovrin Network is an open source, public-service utility enabling self-sovereign identity. Based on a purpose-built, public-permissioned ledger to support self-sovereign identity, Sovrin’s infrastructure adds the capability to manage identifiers, keys and credentials as a complete and easy to use decentralized identity system. 

“In the past year we’ve seen the market start to grapple with exactly the kinds of questions we see as critical to blockchain development in the identity space,” said Travis Jarae, CEO of OWI. “Solutions are beginning to coalesce around a more defined set of identity use cases, with governance structures designed with targeted functionalities and regulatory concerns in mind.”


For more information, download the full report here.


About Sovrin Foundation

The Sovrin Foundation is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization established to administer the Trust Framework governing the Sovrin Network, a public service utility enabling self-sovereign identity on the internet. The Sovrin Network is operated by independent Stewards and uses the power of a hybrid distributed ledger as a fast, private, and secure framework for giving every person, organization, and thing the ability to own and control their own secure, permanent digital identity. 

Visit Sovrin Foundation at for more on the Sovrin Network and its technology.

About OWI

OWI is an independent trust and data economy research and strategy company focused on cybersecurity, digital commerce, and risk management. We help businesses, investors, and governments stay ahead of market trends so they can build sustainable, forward-looking identity-enabled products and strategies. We accomplish this by building community and facilitating dialogue through our events, the KNOW Identity Conference, as well as servicing the community with our educational content, news, media, independent research, and consulting.

Visit OWI at for the latest in identity news, events, opinion and research.



The Sovrin Foundation is an international nonprofit organization established to administer the Trust Framework governing the Sovrin Network, a public service utility enabling self-sovereign identity on the Internet. OWI is an independent trust and data economy research and strategy company focused on cybersecurity, digital commerce, and risk management.
