Philadelphia Business Journal Awards Deacom with “Best Place to Work” in Philadelphia Area

Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Deacom, Inc., an enterprise software company based in the King of Prussia area, has been named as one of Philadelphia Business Journal’s 2018 “Best Places to Work” in Greater Philadelphia. Hiring 42 new team members in the past 12 months, Deacom has advanced to the large-sized business category where they share this recognition with 23 other companies in the region.


Working with Quantum Workplace, Philadelphia Business Journal determines the contest results from employee surveys containing various levels of safeguards to protect the integrity of the process. The survey measures key areas that make up an organization’s culture ranging from compensation and benefits to trust in senior leadership.

When it comes to Deacom’s culture, employees noted:

  • “I laugh with my coworkers on a daily basis, enjoy happy hour drinks with them on a weekly basis, and overall, I feel supported both professionally and personally.”
  • “The expectation of excellence is never overbearing and provides a strong drive to always perform at my best.”
  • “Deacom treats their employees better than any other company that I have worked for and has been in steady growth since I arrived.”

“Being recognized as a ‘Best Place to Work’ means that we continue to deliver a work environment that excites and motivates employees, even when we are scaling the business as quickly as we are,” said Scott Deakins, COO of Deacom, Inc. “Just last week, we completed a 6,000 square-foot office expansion project which will grow the headquarters’ employee capacity almost 40. This new space is home to the company’s newly formed “Kaizen” team which consists of technical support, professional services, quality control, EDI, and documentation. This strategy will allow us to increase focus on the success of our customers after implementation and continue to assist in their long-term goals.”

By the end of 2018, the company expects to hire an additional 15 employees spread across the sales, data, implementation, development, marketing, and kaizen departments. To learn more about these positions, visit Deacom’s careers page.

The full list of Best Places to Work in Greater Philadelphia can be found online and in the August 3, 2018 print issue of Philadelphia Business Journal.


About Deacom, Inc.

Deacom, Inc. is the producer of DEACOM ERP, a comprehensive ERP platform with the industry’s largest functional foundation. As the artisans of ERP software, Deacom builds functionality that specifically resolves the complex challenges of manufacturers and distributors. With a focus on constantly evolving the software, critical business functionality is developed by Deacom into the core platform. This provides a unique opportunity for customers to increase operational efficiency and decrease the total costs of ERP ownership. Deacom’s competitors include other Tier 1 ERP providers like SAP, Oracle, and Infor. To learn more, visit, follow on Twitter or call 1-877-4-DEACOM.


