ACE Applauds Revisions to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

New guidelines more usable for more Americans, highlighting the value of even small, incremental bits of physical activity

San Diego, Nov. 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) would like to support the first-ever revision to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (Guidelines), underscoring the essential role they play in setting the bar for a more physically active nation. The second edition, released this morning by U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, recommend as before, daily physical activity to reduce the risk for many chronic diseases. They now also state that any amount of daily activity—no matter how big or small—is beneficial to health. Finally, the revised guidelines reflect the latest science from the past 10 years, which is that physical activity not only wards off disease but helps individuals to sleep better, feel better and more easily perform daily tasks.   

 The Guidelines, originally published in 2008 and revised for the first time today, can be found here.  

“This update takes a significant step forward in the application of the science of physical activity, making the guidelines more usable for more Americans in everyday life,” said Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, President and Chief Science Officer at ACE. “ACE commits to be a passionate voice for raising awareness of the Guidelines and the way in which physical activity brings health, vitality and joy to lives.” 

With more and more individuals, families and communities struggling with chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, ACE affirms the Guidelines recommendation that a greater volume of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can help prevent or minimize excessive weight gain and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, healthy weight management through physical activity can reduce the risk of progression of a current condition or the risk of developing a new chronic condition.   

ACE particularly commends the Guidelines for recognizing that for individuals leading sedentary lifestyles, incorporating any amount of physical activity can reduce health risks. Evidence suggests that more dedicated, accessible spaces in which to be physically active make it easier for individuals and communities to incorporate this into a daily routine. ACE supports the call to action in the Guidelines and advocates for environmental and policy changes that enable more people to get moving. 

Finally, ACE is thrilled that The Guidelines underscore the growing body of evidence that groups led by professionals, such as exercise professionals and health coaches, or peers can help improve physical activity levels. The Guidelines spell out what ACE Certified Health Coaches and others like them do daily, which is help individuals set physical activity goals, monitor progress toward those goals, generate social support and self-reward. 

“ACE reaffirms its commitment to the health-promotion community to be part of addressing the systemic challenges that stand as obstacles to a future in which far more Americans are encouraged, equipped, motivated and empowered to meet the Guidelines,” said Bryant. “And ACE will continue to prepare exercise professionals and health coaches to help far more Americans adopt and maintain healthier, more active lives.” 

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About ACE

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) is a nonprofit organization with global reach that works to improve physical-activity levels by certifying exercise professionals and health coaches, publishing original research, convening experts on physical activity and health, working directly with community groups, and advocating for policies to get people from all walks of life moving. The 80,000 exercise professionals and health coaches certified by ACE are among the most respected in the world of fitness, helping people embrace physical activity and adopt a healthier lifestyle. For more information, call 800-825-3636 or visit AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EXERCISE, ACE and ACE logos are Registered Trademarks of the American Council on Exercise.

