Source : Lightwave Logic, Inc.

Lightwave Logic Targets 10 km and Greater Market

Englewood, CO, Dec. 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (OTCQB: LWLG), today announced a 50 Gbaud polymer modulator offering to address fiber optic communications needs for links over distances of 10 km or longer. 

The company designs proprietary electro-optic polymers which enable optical components with superior speed, stability, low power and cost-efficiency. On top of the differentiating materials, it builds a technology platform including its own devices, packages and processes for manufacturability.  The 50 Gbaud device is capable of base data rates of 100 Gbps when used with PAM-4 modulation, and of supporting aggregate data rates of 400 Gbps when implemented in an array. 

Lightwave Logic CEO Michael Lebby said, “While we explore other multi-billion dollar markets the benchmark market opportunity for fiber optic link distances of 10km and greater is worth over $1B over the next decade. As data rates increase, we see a growing technology gap at these longer reaches that our modulators are ideally suited to fill.” 

There is an increasing need for high performance interconnects over 10km between datacenter buildings. 5G mobile upgrade, autonomous driving and Internet of Things (IoT) are expected to increase the need for data stored and processed geographically close to the end user in edge data centers. These growing applications also require optics capable of very high speeds and greater than 10 km reach.

The company is engaging with prospective customers with a generic packaged prototype for preliminary evaluation.   The company has the capability to further tune the modulator to meet specific customer needs by leveraging its in-house vertical integration that ranges from synthesized polymer materials to device fabrication and package design. 

In line with roadmaps presented last May at its Annual Shareholder Meeting, Lightwave Logic is developing a platform consisting of materials, device and package approaches that are capable of extension up to 100 Gbaud, which is twice the data rate of today’s 50Gbaud modulator.  The company believes target customers value the longevity of the polymer roadmap compared to those of incumbent technologies such as silicon (Si) and indium phosphide (InP) as they look to extend their own roadmaps. The 50 Gbaud modulator is its first announced offering on this platform. 

Powered by Lightwave Logic

Lightwave Logic, Inc. is a development stage company moving toward commercialization of next generation photonic devices using its high-activity and high-stability organic polymers for applications in data communications and telecommunications markets. Photonic electro-optical devices convert data from electric signals into optical signals. For more information about the Company please visit the corporate website at:


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