PREVO launches the 7 Mindful-Living Habits of a Sustainable Club™ Program

Mindfulness, an idea whose time has come

San Juan Capistrano, CA, Dec. 20, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (San Juan Capistrano, CA) – Prevo Health Solutions (PREVO), Executive Producer of America’s Healthiest and America’s Greenest Club’s™ certification program, announces the 7 Mindful-Living Habits of a Sustainable Club™ program for the Private Club industry.

PREVO has been beta testing a new leadership program with private clubs from California to Florida in conjunction with Brother Craig Marshall. Craig has mentored and met some of the world’s most successful people, including Steve Jobs, Ronald Reagan, Shirley Temple, Fred Segal and Beatle George Harrison. As a yoga monk, Craig traveled the globe for 35 years, teaching mindfulness & meditation, mentoring people from all walks of life.

Private clubs that are mindful of and driven by purpose exemplify three main things:

  1. They stand up for something that they believe will deliver true value (or otherwise improve the lives of the customers).
  2. They stand out from competitors by intentionally and consistently delivering a distinctive customer experience (across all channels that is consistent with their promise).
  3. They stand firm by creating the appropriate culture (to ensure sustainable and authentic delivery over the long term).

Rick Ladendorf, PREVO’s founder explains, “We have mapped the most pressing issues a club manager faces against the seven core constituencies, and then applied staff thinking and behavior patterns to an educational curriculum. Part of the training is delivered on site, and is enhanced by digital media, which resides on a platform - to provide accountability and measurement. Considering the costs associated with employee turnover – including interviewing, hiring, training, reduced productivity, lost opportunity costs, etc. – this is the actual cost to an organization: For entry-level employees, between 30%-50% of their annual salary to replace them. Some studies (such as SHRM) predict that every time a business replaces a salaried employee, it costs 6 to 9 months' salary on average. For a manager making $40,000 a year, that's $20,000 to $30,000 in recruiting and training expenses.

Craig Marshall adds, “Amidst the challenge and change in today’s private club industry (not to mention in the wide world!), mindfulness is a core skill. “Mindfulness” education includes topics such as: living a conscious life, inspired leadership, aligning with your personal life-purpose, creating culture & community, becoming an innovative thinker, mastering change & transition and core communication skills. We call these the 7 Mindful Living Habits of a Sustainable Club™. The four immediate benefits from our program are:

  1. Tools to reduce stress.
  2. Ways to create greater personal responsibility among your team members.
  3. Understanding why positive focus will help everyone achieve their goals.
  4. The work-life balance necessary to create a healthy culture & avoid turnover.

The goal is to build an inspired team and implement the club’s vision with all its stakeholders. Building such a culture and aligning your club’s vision with your operational plans requires specific skills, yet they will directly reduce turnover and help build a culture that will stand the test of time.


“The first stage of the ‘Look Within to Get Greater Outer Results’ session was unbelievable”, says Lonnie Eberhard General Manager Gulf Harbour Yacht & Country Club, Fort Myers, FL.  Watching my management team engaged in this process only ensured me that I have hired the right folks for the right seats on the bus. The most interesting thing for me was that the three hours past very quickly, and we could have easily kept going.”

“The program had many great points but most of all forced me to look inward, truthfully, as well as realistically. I've always thought of myself as a relatively low stress and aware individual, in a career I love that I have excelled at - but your mindfulness methods showed that it can always get better.” TB, General Manager.

On Friday interacting with my coworkers, it was interesting to see how many times we all mentioned something from the session.  There are many things that stood out for me, but my number one take away was your listening/communication tools. We all need to take a breath and truly “hear” what the other is saying.  So many misunderstandings could be avoided. I hope that we can attend these workshops on a regular basis. SA, Fitness Director.


Prevo Health Solutions’ mission is to help clubs define their purpose, enhance the club’s brand/image and co-author/promote the club’s newsworthy stories, which all stem from being mindful of the brand, the business, community and, the planet.

Prevo Health Solutions, Inc., executive producer of America's Greenest and Healthiest Clubs™, is the private club industry’s premier mindful-living solutions provider with expertise in wellness and environmental stewardship. Our mission is to improve the overall health and sustainability of the private club industry through education and sharing of best practices. For more information call 888-321-1804 or email

