Source : Arion banki hf.

Annual financial statement of Arion Bank Mortgages Institutional Investor Fund (ABMIIF) for 2018

ABMIIF publishes its 2018 annual financial statement

  • The fund reported annual earnings of ISK 762 million according to the income statement and the earnings are stated as an increase in units in the fund’s accounts.
  • The net assets of the fund at the end of 2017 totalled ISK 18,128 million according to the balance sheet.
  • The annual financial statement was audited by Deloitte ehf. in accordance with international standards on auditing. It is the auditor’s opinion that the financial statement gives a true and fair view of the performance of the fund in 2018, its financial position as of 31 December 2018 and changes in the fund's net assets in 2018 in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and the regulations on the financial statements of management companies of UCITS set by the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority.

The fund’s annual financial statement will be available on the website of Stefnir hf. from today.

For further information on the annual financial statement of ABMIIF please contact Flóki Halldórsson, on +354 444 7464.

