Source : Modern Cinema Group, Inc.

Modern Cinema Group Finalizes its Regulatory Strategy with MOCI Bond

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Feb. 26, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Modern Cinema Group, Inc. (OTCPK: MOCI) announces significant progress in its efforts to gain international regulatory approval for the launch of its MOCI Media Exchange and MOCI Bond.

As many people in the media industry know, Modern Cinema Group will soon be launching its vaunted Media “Futures” Exchange that will allow producers to sell shares of their upcoming movies, TV shows and video games in the same way companies list for an IPO.  As a result, traders can build investment portfolios consisting of discrete media titles rather than taking positions in media companies (as is the common practice today).  Such an offering is needed in today’s climate as discrete media titles offer more opportunistic trading scenarios than do media companies with their years of baggage.  With this level of granularity, artificial intelligence systems and networks will be able to achieve much higher levels of liquidity for more granular trades (meaning title by title).

Of all milestones for Modern Cinema Group, the most important revolves around gaining domestic and international regulatory approvals.  Without proper approvals, trading volumes will not achieve levels necessary to attract institutional traders.  Over the last year, Modern Cinema Group has taken great strides to resolve all regulatory issues so trading can commence within the first half of 2019.

As part of its regulatory strategy, Modern Cinema Group is announcing its newly created MOCI Bond.  After carefully examining the spectrum of financial instruments, it became obvious that virtually all were incompatible with the ebbs and flows of today’s media titles.  Therefore, a new and unique financial instrument (MOCI Bond) was created to address the discrepancies additionally, a patent application was duly filed with all relevant disclosure and claims.

Among the benefits of the MOCI Bond is the ability to operate over popular exchange networks offering a powerful ticker symbol for each discrete media title.  Now you can check the price of The Monster from the Black Lagoon and buy or sell accordingly either on-line or by way of brokers.

The most striking aspect of the MOCI Bond is its flexibility regarding underwriting, collateral and other standard banking requirements.  For anyone inquiring about the benefits of a MOCI Bond vs other common bond structures, the comparison can be summarized as follows:  A MOCI Bond represents one discrete media title and offers the ability for authorized distributors to gain valuable license rights by way of purchasing and holding pre-determined numbers of shares until settlement.  In this way, media distributors can improve their service offerings with fresh content while, at the same time developing new profit centers from successful trades.

Says Ross Cooper, CEO of Modern Cinema Group, “This has been a challenging process as media titles do not mimic common securities, and common bond structures aren’t designed for the variability of media disbursement waterfalls.  In an industry such as construction, there is no option but pay the contractors.  In the movie business, contractors readily accept financial risks that come with the territory.

Says Sriram Das, CEO of DAS Films, “I’m a global investment banker turned movie producer, so I understand this model more than most.  It’s a truly powerful and innovative tool, however the trick is to get all of the necessary regulatory approvals in place so trading volumes can be large enough to allow for short and long positions.  It’s my understanding that Modern Cinema Group has spent the majority of 2018 getting approvals secured, however more are needed in the near future.  Of course two important jurisdictions for them are India and China.”

Over the last year, some in the industry have characterized the MOCI Media Exchange and the MOCI Bond as yet another form of crowd funding, but this is not the case.  The MOCI Media Exchange is designed to be a media marketplace with producers acting as sellers with international media distributors as natural buyers.  The product to be delivered is the ownership and license rights of fresh media content for designated global territories.  With such a marketplace, speculators can freely trade from simple scenarios to highly complex strategies including AI.  Such a model is significantly more advanced than any crowd funding platform as it represents the next step forward in the quest to develop a fully regulated global Media Exchange.

Modern Cinema Group, based in Beverly Hills and founded in San Diego, has spent the last four years designing and patenting new business and technology models that allow both producers and distribution partners to integrate their systems in such a way as to leverage each other’s natural advantages.

This press release contains certain “forward‐looking” statements, as defined in the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Statements, which are not historical facts, are forward‐looking statements. The Company, through its management, makes forward‐looking public statements concerning it expected future operations, performance and other developments. Such forward‐looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the Company’s best judgment based upon current information and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, and there can be no factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those estimated by the Company. They include, but are not limited to, the Company’s ability to develop operations, the Company’s ability to consummate and complete the acquisition, the Company’s access to future capital, the successful integration of acquired companies, government regulation, managing and maintaining growth, the effect of adverse publicity, litigation, competition, sales and other factors that may be identified from time to time in the Company’s public announcements.

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