ACE2019: Curator Solutions® to Showcase Innovative Course Content Creation and Management Solution, Video Case Studies that Educators can use to Engage Students and Expand Online, Hybrid Courses in Higher Education

Educational content and learning asset delivery company’s Chief Product Officer Tim Loudermilk will be at Booth #207 in the ACE2019 Solutions Hub

Herndon, Virginia, March 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Curator Solutions will showcase its elearis® platform and Real Time Cases video-based case studies during the American Council on Education’s 101st Annual Meeting (ACE2019) in Philadelphia. Tim Loudermilk, Curator Solutions’ Chief Product Officer, and others will be at Booth 207 in the Solutions Hub exhibit hall demonstrating how the company’s products can be used by instructors across higher education to easily and efficiently design, build, and launch online and hybrid lessons and courses. The company’s products enable educators to create and deliver content easily and cost effectively; and, importantly, in a way that learners find engaging and accessible, so they can capture and keep student attention for successful learning outcomes.

According to a study by the Association for Talent Development, instructional design teams spend an average of 42 hours to design and develop just one hour of eLearning instruction. Using Curator Solutions, time invested in creation is cut in half, according to Loudermilk, creator of elearis. 

“In the past, educators had to learn cumbersome, slow legacy software platforms to create their courses,” Loudermilk explained. “elearis allows them to concentrate on educating, which is the ultimate goal. In fact, educators with a Facebook-level of technical knowledge now can develop entire curriculums in half of the time required of previous systems.” 

The elearis software-as-a-service (SaaS) course content creation and management platform is just one of the products that Curator Solutions offers to educators for creating, curating, and publishing content. The company also offers a library of 200+ video-based, interactive, real-world business case studies that Real Time Cases created with 40+ corporate partners on the elearis cloud-based platform. Real Time Cases are current, authentic, and relevant course materials that let students hear directly from business leaders outlining the unresolved issues for which they seek recommendations.

The elearis content creation and management platform offers educators a way to easily build online learning materials by dragging and dropping images, graphics, videos, documents, animations, and other content. elearis also provides educators with custom iPad/Tablet Apps for anytime, anywhere access, including offline.

By creating a seamless experience for educators, Curator Solutions enables the higher education market to create and disseminate lessons faster, so that educators can focus on what matters most—engaging the learner. In addition to overcoming barriers to delivery, accessibility, engagement, and retention for both educators and students, Curator Solutions offers the following:

• Access to library of 200+ off-the-shelf video-based case studies for educators to use to build creative, engaging curriculum for students in undergraduate- and graduate-level business classes
• Ability to create, curate, and launch new course materials simply and with seamless integration with all LMS platforms
• Ability to make real-time changes to existing courses and materials across multiple versions simultaneously
• Accessible content to unlimited number of students online and offline via the elearis apps

About Curator Solutions® 
Based in Herndon, Virginia, and Delray Beach, Florida, Curator Solutions works to remove traditional barriers between learning materials and technology with a content creation, curation, and publishing platform that saves time for educators in the design and launch of learning activities and entire courses. The company offers Real Time Cases’ video-based case studies, which serve as the bridge between the Higher Education classroom and the professional world. Real Time Cases delivers engaging, video-based case studies with companies, such as CAVA, Team Liquid, KIND, CustomInk, and others, for undergraduate and graduate-level courses that help students learn through experience and confront real challenges facing today’s business leaders. Curator Solutions leverages the elearis® SaaS solution, which provides the ability to easily build online education resources by dragging and dropping images, graphics, videos, interactive learning objects, documents, animations, and third-party publisher learning content, along with a custom iPad/Tablet App that can be used by students for their consumption of content, in both online and “disconnected” environments. Learn more at or follow on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. 

