Source : Eclipse Foundation

New Eclipse Foundation Community Survey of Java Developers Shows Cloud Native Adoption Accelerating Dramatically with Jakarta EE

Eclipse Foundation enterprise Java survey shows cloud deployments increasing over 2018 findings with 62% of Java developers building cloud native architectures now or within the year

OTTAWA, May 09, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Eclipse Foundation, the platform for open collaboration and innovation, today released the 2019 Jakarta EE developer survey that canvassed nearly 1,800 Java developers about their adoption of Jakarta EE and trends in Java programming. The survey was conducted by the Eclipse Foundation in March of 2019 in cooperation with member companies and partners, including the London Java Community and Java User Groups worldwide. The goal of the survey was to help Java ecosystem stakeholders better understand the requirements, priorities, and perceptions of enterprise Java developer communities.

The future of the Java ecosystem and Jakarta EE is increasingly driven by new cloud workloads and capabilities.

  • Cloud native is critically important with a third of developers currently building cloud native architectures and another 30 percent planning to within the next year;
  • The number of Java applications running in the cloud is projected to increase significantly over the next two years, with 32 percent of respondents expecting that they will be running nearly two-thirds of their Java applications in the cloud in two years time;
  • The microservices architecture is the dominant approach to implementing Java in the cloud, according to 43 percent of respondents;
  • Spring and Spring Boot continue to dominate as the leading framework for building cloud native applications in Java;
  • Eclipse Microprofile experienced a surge in usage, more than doubling in adoption from 13 percent in 2018 to 28 percent today;
  • The top three community priorities for Jakarta EE are a tie at first with better support for microservices and native integration with Kubernetes (both at 61 percent) followed by production quality reference implementations (37 percent).

“Java continues to dominate as the language of choice for organizations deploying applications in production environments and this latest survey shows the same level of support as our 2018 survey,” said Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation. “What’s most interesting is to see the acceleration in the adoption of Java in new cloud native architectures. Clearly the future of Jakarta EE is cloud native.”

Other survey highlights include:

  • Java EE 8 adoption has picked up and stands at 37 percent compared to 21 percent in the 2018 survey;
  • Java 11 use has surged to 20 percent, with many enterprises apparently leap frogging Java 9 and 10. Java 8 usage has held steady at 84 percent;
  • More than a fifth of respondents report that they are running more than 60 percent of Java applications in the cloud;
  • Respondents were more likely (40 percent) to modify existing Java applications for migration to the cloud while 29 percent were writing greenfield new cloud native Java applications.

Access the full findings of the 2019 Jakarta EE  Developer Survey here

Jakarta EE represents a renaissance for the Java community. Survey respondents made it clear that as Java EE is evolving into Jakarta EE, this remains the platform they rely on most to build true enterprise-class applications. Under the Eclipse Foundation, the Jakarta EE Working Group is based on a self-governing meritocracy that sets all technical agendas and plans. The founding members of the Jakara EE Working Group are DocDoku, IncQuery Labs, Fujitsu, Genuitec, IBM, Lightbend, Microsoft, Oracle, Payara Systems, Pivotal, Red Hat, SAP, Tomitribe, Vaadin, and Webtide.

How to Participate in the Future Of Jakarta EE
Start by subscribing to the mailing list. To join, a company can simply email the list declaring a commitment to participate along with a membership in the Eclipse Foundation. Additionally, developers can directly engage with the community through the mailing list.

About The Eclipse Foundation

The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation. The Foundation is home to Jakarta EE, the Eclipse IDE, and over 360 open source projects, including runtimes, tools, and frameworks for a wide range of technology domains such as IoT, automotive, geospatial, systems engineering and many others. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit organization supported by over 275 members, including industry leaders who value open source as a key enabler for business strategy. To learn more, follow us on Twitter @EclipseFdn, LinkedIn or visit

Editorial Contact
Lonn Johnston
+1 650.219.7764