Manutan International : 2018/2019 Q3 Turnover

Gonesse, July 17th 2019

2018/2019 Q3 Turnover

In thousands of euros Turnover at the end of June 2019 Turnover at the end of June 2018 Q3 2019 Q3 2018 Q2 2019 Q2 2018 Q1 2019 Q1 2018
Total turnover   562,843  541,267  190,484 183,998 179,748 170,160 192,612 187,110

During the third quarter 2018/2019, the Manutan Group's business enjoyed a growth of +3.5% compared to the same quarter of the prior year, including an exchange rates effect of +0.1% and a day effect of -0.1% (+3.5% at constant exchange rates and number of days). Turnover amounted to 190.5 million euros, compared with 184.0 million euros for the same quarter of the previous fiscal year.

At the end of the third quarter 2018/2019, the Manutan Group's business increased by +4.0% (+4.1% at constant exchange rates and number of days, including an exchange rates effect of   -0.1% and a null day effect) compared to the same period of the 2017/2018 fiscal year. Turnover amounted to 562.8 million euro till June 30th 2019 compared with 541.3 million euros till June 30th 2018.

In terms of its operational areas 1, the Group's situation is diverse:

In thousands of euros  Turnover at the end of June 2019  Turnover at the end of June 2018 Q3 2019 Q3 2018 Q2 2019 Q2 2018 Q1 2019 Q1 2018
Enterprises  433,933   417,181  139,039 136,373 150,229 141,723 144,665 139,085
North   31,019    32,220  9,664 10,514 10,488 10,658 10,867 11,048
Centre   92,602    89,903  29,012 29,086 32,713 31,182 30,877 29,634
Est   17,870    18,594  5,846 5,860 5,871 5,975 6,153 6,759
South   207,410    194,969  65,805 62,832 71,546 66,430 70,059 65,707
West   85,033    81,494  28,713 28,081 29,611 27,478 26,709 25,936
Local  Authorities  128,911   124,086  51,445 47,625 29,519 28,437 47,947 48,025
South   128,911    124,086  51,445 47,625 29,519 28,437 47,947 48,025
Total Group  562,843   541,267  190,484 183,998 179,748 170,160 192,612 187,110

At Constant exchange rates and working days  1st quarter  2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Financial Year
Enterprises 3.1% 7.1% 2.1%   4.1%
North 2.8% -0.1% -3.2%   -0.1%
Centre 2.6% 6.5% -1.2%   2.7%
Est -9.0% 0.3% 1.7%   -2.6%
South 5.1% 9.3% 5.1%   6.5%
West 2.1% 6.9% 0.9%   3.2%
Local Authorities -1.3% 5.5% 7.3%   3.9%
South -1.3% 5.5% 7.3%   3.9%
  Total Group 2.0% 6.9% 3.5%   4.1%
  • The Enterprises division growth in the third quarter (+2.1%) was mainly driven by the South area. It should be noted that the Centre, East and West areas had experienced strong double-digit growth in the third quarter of 2017/2018.
  • The Local Authorities division accelerated its growth in the third quarter (+7.3%) in all of its markets.

The Group announced the acquisition of Kruizinga in June 2019, allowing the Group to enrich its products and services offer while strengthening its positions in the Benelux and on the e-commerce channel. The inclusion of Kruizinga in the Group's results will take place in the fourth quarter of the 2018/2019 financial year.

For the rest of the financial year, the Group will continue implementing its development strategy while maintaining its mid-term investment plan.

About the Manutan Group

A family-run business created in 1966. Manutan is Europe’s leading B2B e-commerce company and specializes in the multichannel distribution of products and equipment for businesses and local authorities.

Its vast range of select products and services is one of the largest offerings in Europe. This enables the company to meet all of its client’s needs and help them reduce their indirect purchase costs.

With 26 subsidiaries established in 17 countries in Europe, the Group has more than 2 200 employees and has a turnover of 741 million euros in 2017/2018. Manutan France was awarded Best Workplaces in 2019.

Manutan International is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment B - ISIN: FR0000032302-MAN.

Next publication : Q4 2018/2019 Turnover :
October 17th 2019 (after market closure)

1 The analysis of the Group's performance by geographical area has been refined and contains an additional level of granularity: Enterprises and Local Authorities. This additional information will be included in our reports from now on.





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Avis financier 3T2019_English VDEF 17.7.19