Euronext announces volumes for July 2019

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Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, London, Oslo and Paris – 8 August 2019 Euronext, the leading pan-European exchange in the Eurozone, today announced trading volumes for July 2019.
Following the completion of the acquisition of Oslo Børs VPS, July figures incorporate, for the first time, all Oslo Børs exchange activity (including Fishpool in future commodity and OTC derivatives designated as Taylor Made), comparable figures are provided for information.

  • Cash trading

In July 2019, the average daily transaction value on the Euronext cash order book stood at €7,196 million, down -10.5% compared to July 2018 and down -14.9% from the previous month.
The average daily transaction value on the ETF order book was €193 million, down -9.6% compared to July 2018 and down -14.9% from the previous month. At the end of July 2019, 1,207 ETFs were listed on Euronext compared to 1,150 at the end of December 2018.

  • Derivatives trading

In July 2019, the overall average daily volume on derivatives reached 502,577 contracts, down -11.7% compared to July 2018 and down -13.4% compared to the previous month. In detail:

  • the average daily volume on equity index derivatives reached 212,720 contracts, up +2.3% compared to July 2018 and down -11.3% from the previous month,
  • the average daily volume on individual equity derivatives reached 228,018 contracts, down -15.2% compared to July 2018 and down -17.3% from the previous month,
  • the average daily volume on commodity derivatives (including Fish Pool activity) reached 58,814 contracts, down -30.1% compared to July 2018 and up +13.8% from the previous month.
  • the average daily volume on Taylor-Made derivatives reached 3,024 contracts, down -61.6% compared to July 2018 and down -76.9% from the previous month.

Year-to-date, the overall average daily volume on Euronext derivatives stood at 593,414 contracts (-5.3% compared to 2018 YTD) and the open interest was at 17,829,862 contracts (-12.3% compared to the end of July 2018).

  • FX spot trading

In July 2019, the average daily volume on the spot foreign exchange market of Euronext FX, operating as a Euronext company since August 2017, stood at $16,806 million, down -16.1% compared to July 2018 and down -12.8% from the previous month.

  • Listings

In July 2019, Euronext had nine new listing that altogether raised €221 million of which major European construction player Titan Cement and leading Irish healthcare services company Uniphar. Italian software SME Media Maker also joined Euronext in July, together with 4 SMEs from Spain, Italy and the United States.
In addition, €2.9 billion were raised in follow-on equity, of which €376 million by Voltalia to grow its power capacity.
A total of €119.6 billion were raised on Euronext in bonds of which €2.5 billion of green bonds from Reseau Ferre de France (€1.5 billion) and Societe Generale SFH (€1 billion).

Pauline Bucaille                                     +33 1 70 48 24 41; 

Analysts & investors
Aurélie Cohen                                        +33 1 70 48 24 17;

About Euronext
Euronext is the leading pan-European exchange in the Eurozone, covering Belgium, France, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the UK. The Norwegian stock exchange and its clearing & settlement subsidiary, together operating as Oslo Børs VPS, joined Euronext on 17 June 2019. With around 1,500 listed issuers worth €4.1 trillion in market capitalisation as of end July 2019, Euronext is an unmatched blue chip franchise that has 26 issuers in the Morningstar® Eurozone 50 Index℠ and a strong diverse domestic and international client base. Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets and is the largest centre for debt and funds listings in the world. Its total product offering includes Equities, FX, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, Euronext also operates Euronext GrowthTM and Euronext AccessTM, simplifying access to listing for SMEs. 
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European Cash Market Monthly Activity        
 Jul-19Jun-19 Jul-18 YTD 2019YTD 2018
Nb trading days2320 22 148148 


NUMBER OF TRANSACTIONS (Buy and sells) (reported trades included)
 Jul-19Jun-19Change %
Jul-18Change % YOYYTD 2019YTD 2018Change %
Total Cash Market 141 413 95837 219 48211,3%40 997 4121,0%274 201 602315 603 508-13,1%
ADV Cash Market 11 800 6071 860 974-3,2%1 863 519-3,4%1 852 7142 132 456-13,1%
TRANSACTION VALUE ( € million - Single counted)      
Eur millionJul-19Jun-19Change %
Jul-18Change % YOYYTD 2019YTD 2018Change %
Total Cash Market 1165 499,4169 046,0-2,1%176 780,4-6,4%1 194 404,51 386 105,7-13,8%
ADV Cash Market 17 195,68 452,3-14,9%8 035,5-10,5%8 070,39 365,6-13,8%
LISTINGS 4        
Number of Issuers on EquitiesJul-19Jun-19Change %
Jul-18Change % YOYDecember 2018Change %  
EURONEXT 21 4861 4820,3%1 531-2,9%1497-0,7% 
SMEs1 0381 0340,4%1 075-3,4%1044-0,6% 
Number of Listed Securities        
Bonds44 97244 7000,6%40 04612,3%42 6325,5% 
ETFs1 2111 212-0,1%1 08911,2%1 1544,9% 
Funds6 1476 0761,2%6 696-8,2%6 641-7,4% 
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market     
(mln of €)Jul-19Jun-19Change %
Jul-18Change % YOYYTD 2019YTD 2018Change %
Nb New Listings96 12 2846 
Money Raised New Listings
 incl over allotment
221490-54,9%17327,7%1 7703 562-50,3%
of which Money Raised New Listings206456-54,9%17021,0%1 7223 410-49,5%
Follow-ons on Equities2 9226 433-54,6%2 50716,6%21 84724 507-10,9%
Bonds 119 611103 09116,0%38 746208,7%722 594487 85348,1%
Total Money Raised 3122 754110 01311,6%41 425196,3%746 211515 92244,6%
of which SMEs        
CAPITAL RAISED on Equities on Primary and Secondary Market     
(mln of €)Jul-19Jun-19Change %
Jul-18Change % YOYYTD 2019YTD 2018Change %
Nb New Listings85 12 2541 
Money Raised New Listings
 incl over allotment
22112084,6%17327,7%4241 138-62,7%
of which Money Raised New Listings20612072,1%17021,0%4091 107-63,0%
Follow-ons on Equities74140184,8%273171,0%2 9573 483-15,1%
Bonds 85187-54,5%412-79,4%462597-22,6%
Total Money Raised 31 04770748,0%85822,0%3 8435 217-26,3%
1 Shares, warrants, ETFs, bonds…
2 Euronext, Euronext Growth and Euronext Access
3 Included New Listings incl over allotment, Follow-ons on Equities, Corporate Bonds on Euronext Listed Issuers
4 Since February 2019, those figures include Euronext Access to fully reflect the listing dynamics on Euronext markets. Are considered as SMEs companies with a market cap on Jan 1st or on 1st day of Listing below €1bn.  Comparable data has been restated
R : Revised        


European Derivatives Market Monthly Activity        
 Jul-19Jun-19 Jul-18 YTD 2019YTD 2018 
Nb trading days2320 22 148148 
Volume (in lots)        
 Jul-19Jun-19Change % MOMJul-18Change % YOYJan 2019 till  July 2019Jan 2018 till July 2018Change %
Equity10 136 98510 313 504-1,7%10 490 813-3,4%78 973 05581 828 192-3,5%
Index4 892 5624 798 1242,0%4 574 5727,0%34 909 13135 608 061-2,0%
Futures3 432 7873 384 2081,4%3 001 32614,4%24 401 83924 407 2200,0%
Options1 459 7751 413 9163,2%1 573 246-7,2%10 507 29211 200 841-6,2%
Individual Equity5 244 4235 515 380-4,9%5 916 241-11,4%44 063 92446 220 131-4,7%
Futures275 601347 382-20,7%72 932277,9%2 153 407547 442293,4%
Options4 968 8225 167 998-3,9%5 843 309-15,0%41 910 51745 672 689-8,2%
Commodity1 352 7231 033 98630,8%1 850 481-26,9%7 890 6228 909 130-11,4%
Futures1 239 637959 19829,2%1 618 780-23,4%7 311 9448 151 048-10,3%
Options113 08674 78851,2%231 701-51,2%578 678758 082-23,7%
TM Derivatives69 559262 337-73,5%173 377-59,9%961 6582 029 037-52,6%
Futures69 559262 087-73,5%173 377-59,9%960 1882 028 137-52,7%
Options0250 0 1 47090063,3%
Total Futures5 017 5844 952 8751,3%4 866 4153,1%34 827 37835 133 847-0,9%
Total Options6 541 6836 656 952-1,7%7 648 256-14,5%52 997 95757 632 512-8,0%
Total Euronext11 559 26711 609 827-0,4%12 514 671-7,6%87 825 33592 766 359-5,3%
ADV (in lots)        
 Jul-19Jun-19Change % MOMJul-18Change % YOYJan 2019 till  July 2019Jan 2018 till July 2018Change %
Equity440 738515 675-14,5%476 855-7,6%533 602552 893-3,5%
Index212 720239 906-11,3%207 9352,3%235 873240 595-2,0%
Futures149 252169 210-11,8%136 4249,4%164 877164 9140,0%
Options63 46870 696-10,2%71 511-11,2%70 99575 681-6,2%
Individual Equity228 018275 769-17,3%268 920-15,2%297 729312 298-4,7%
Futures11 98317 369-31,0%3 315261,5%14 5503 699293,4%
Options216 036258 400-16,4%265 605-18,7%283 179308 599-8,2%
Commodity58 81451 69913,8%84 113-30,1%53 31560 197-11,4%
Futures53 89747 96012,4%73 581-26,8%49 40555 075-10,3%
Options4 9173 73931,5%10 532-53,3%3 9105 122-23,7%
TM Derivatives3 02413 117-76,9%7 881-61,6%6 49813 710-52,6%
Futures3 02413 104-76,9%7 881-61,6%6 48813 704-52,7%
Options013 0 10663,3%
Total Futures218 156247 644-11,9%221 201-1,4%235 320237 391-0,9%
Total Options284 421332 848-14,5%347 648-18,2%358 094389 409-8,0%
Total Euronext502 577580 491-13,4%568 849-11,7%593 414626 800-5,3%















Open Interest        
 Jul-19Jun-19Change % MOMJul-18Change % YOY   
Equity15 891 54615 533 3712,3%19 027 336-16,5%   
Index1 743 1421 650 5115,6%1 658 8055,1%   
Futures804 851791 7821,7%646 17124,6%   
Options938 291858 7299,3%1 012 634-7,3%   
Individual Equity15 086 69513 882 8608,7%17 368 531-13,1%   
Futures442 075336 61931,3%115 574282,5%   
Options14 644 62013 546 2418,1%17 252 957-15,1%   
Commodity705 474662 0706,6%908 296-22,3%   
Futures446 867430 0043,9%568 161-21,3%   
Options258 607232 06611,4%340 135-24,0%   
TM Derivatives294 551247 87018,8%399 586-26,3%   
Futures294 301247 62018,9%398 686-26,2%   
Total Futures1 988 0941 806 02510,1%1 728 59215,0%   
Total Options15 841 76814 637 2868,2%18 606 626-14,9%   
Total Euronext17 829 86216 443 3118,4%20 335 218-12,3%   

Euronext FX 1

 Jul-19Jun-19 Jul-18 YTD 2019YTD 2018 
Nb trading days2320 22 151151 
Euronext FX Volume (in USD millions, single counted)    
 Jul-19Jun-19Change %
Jul-18Change % YOYYTD 2019YTD 2018Change %

Total Euronext FX Market
386 529385 4970,3%440 425-12,2%2 767 2853 125 607-11,5%

ADV Euronext FX Market
16 80619 275-12,8%20 019-16,1%18 32620 699-11,5%
1 formerly known as FastMatch       


Pièces jointes
