Austin City Council considers spending taxpayer dollars on abortion travel

Austin City Council members introduced a budget proposal that would use taxpayer dollars to pay for transportation, lodging, and childcare for women seeking abortions.

AUSTIN, Aug. 20, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Members of Austin City Council announced an initiative to use taxpayer dollars to drive women to and from their abortion appointments.  The city will consider granting up to $150,000 to anti-Life organizations that pay for transportation, lodging, and childcare for women seeking abortions.

Austin City Council seeks to circumvent a recently passed state law that prohibits taxpayer money from supporting abortion businesses and their affiliates.  Council members proposed a radical amendment to next year’s budget that would funnel $150,000 through the Austin Public Health Department, not to fund abortions directly, but to fund organizations that abet the abortion industry by providing transportation and other services to women seeking abortions.  Members of the city council said they crafted the pro-abortion policy specifically to thumb their noses at the Pro-Life towns that have recently banned abortion by declaring themselves “Mother and Unborn Child Sanctuary Cities.”

Pro-abortion groups such as The Lilith Fund, whose stated reason for existence is to raise money to push abortion onto low-income women, collaborated to lobby for this gross abuse of taxpayer dollars in a petty response to the sincere efforts of Pro-Life towns across Texas to become “Mother and Unborn Child Sanctuary Cities.”  A Lilith Fund representative told the pro-abortion Austin Chronicle that Waskom’s courageous ordinance served as the inspiration behind the latest anti-Life exploitation of taxpayer funds.

Pro-Life communities must seize the opportunity currently before them.  Pro-Lifers must not cede ground at any level of government to those who would irreparably harm women and preborn children in their communities.

This grotesque news out of Austin is another example of the abortion industry exploiting taxpayers to profit off vulnerable women and kill preborn children.  Now is the time for Americans everywhere to protect unborn children in their communities.  Pro-Life Texans can contact Texas Right to Life to pursue the “Mother and Unborn Child Sanctuary City” ordinance.

