Manutan International : Turnover Q4 2018/2019

Gonesse, October 17th 2019

Turnover Q4 2018/2019 
A new year of growth for the whole fiscal year 2018/2019 (+4.4% compared to the fiscal year 2017/2018), marked by the solid organic growth strength and the acquisition of the Kruizinga Company in the Netherlands in July 2019.

In thousands of €Turnover at the end of Sept. 2019Turnover at the end of Sept. 2018Q4
Q4 2018Q3 2019Q3 2018Q2 2019Q2 2018Q1 2019Q1 2018
Turnover like-for-like768 242741 283205 399200 016190 484183 998179 748170 160192 612187 110
Contribution of acquired companies*5 64305 6430000000
Total Turnover773 885741 283211 042200 016190 484183 998179 748170 160192 612187 110

*Acquisition of Kruizinga on June 14th, 2019

Over the 2018/2019 fiscal year, the Manutan Group's Turnover amounted to € 773.9 million compared to € 741.3 million on September 30th, 2018, an increase of +4.4% compared to 2017/2018 fiscal year  (+3.3% at like-for-like scope, constant exchange rates and number of working days, with a +0.8% scope effect, a -0.2% currency effect and a +0.5% day effect). Excluding the acquisition of Kruizinga, the Group's performance is at +3.6%.

During the fourth quarter of 2018/2019 fiscal year, the Manutan Group's business has grown by 5.5% compared to the same quarter last year, including a scope effect of +2.8%, a currency effect of -0.2% and a day effect of + 1.6% (+1.3% at like-for-like scope, constant exchange and number of working days). The turnover amounted to 211.0 million euros against 200.0 million euros for the fourth quarter of the previous fiscal year.

In terms of its operational areas1, the Group’s situation is diverse :

In thousands of eurosTurnover at the end of Sept. 2019Turnover at the end of Sept. 2018Q4 2019Q4 2018Q3 2019Q3 2018Q2 2019Q2 2018Q1 2019Q1 2018
Enterprises573 296546 561139 363129 380139 039136 373150 229141 723144 665139 085
  North38 89241 2937 8749 0739 66410 51410 48810 65810 86711 048
  Centre126 482118 15033 88028 24729 01229 08632 71331 18230 87729 634
  Est23 39224 0575 5225 4635 8465 8605 8715 9756 1536 759
  Soud269 953253 69862 54458 72965 80562 83271 54666 43070 05965 707
  West114 577109 36429 54427 87028 71328 08129 61127 47826 70925 936
Local Authorities200 589194 72171 67970 63551 44547 62529 51928 43747 94748 025
  South200 589194 72171 67970 63551 44547 62529 51928 43747 94748 025
TOTAL Group773 885741 283211 042200 016190 484183 998179 748170 160192 612187 110

At constant scope, exchange rates and number of working days 1st
Financial Year
Local Authorities-1.3%5.5%7.3%-0.1%2.6%
TOTAL Goup2.0%6.9%3.5%1.3%3.3%

      ·The Enterprises division growth in the fourth quarter (+2.1%) was driven up by the South and West areas. The North area is mainly affected by a slowdown in Sweden. The East area is impacted by the decline of the Czech Republic, linked to the automotive industry slowdown.

            In the Centre area, the decline in activity for the Netherlands, linked to a difficult macroeconomic context, is globally offset by the growth momentum in Belgium and Germany.


      ·The activity of the Local Authorities division remains stable in the fourth quarter, as a result of a good anticipation in deliveries in the previous quarter.

The acquisition of Kruizinga in June 2019 will allow the Group to enrich its products and services offer while strengthening its positions in the Benelux (Centre area) and on the e-commerce channel.

With a financial position that remains very sound and the ambition to sustain its profitable growth, the Group will continue to implement its development strategy, combining organic and external growth, while maintaining its investment plan in information systems and logistics.

About the Manutan Group

A family-run business created in 1966. Manutan is Europe’s leading B2B e-commerce company and specializes in the multichannel distribution of products and equipment for businesses and local authorities.

Its vast range of select products and services is one of the largest offerings in Europe. This enables the company to meet all of its client’s needs and help them reduce their indirect purchase costs.

With 26 subsidiaries established in 17 countries in Europe, the Group has more than 2 200 employees and has a turnover of 741 million euros in 2017/2018. Manutan France was awarded Best Workplaces in 2019.

Manutan International is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment B - ISIN: FR0000032302-MAN.

Next publication : Annual results 2018/2019
December, 3rd 2019 (after market closure)

1 The analysis of the Group's performance by geographical area has been refined and contains an additional level of granularity: Enterprises and Local Authorities. This additional information will be included in our reports from now on.


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Avis financier 3T2019_English VDEF 17.7.19