Prevo hosts first CLUB-M Mastermind Group - how mindfulness practices are changing business

Industry associations, innovative leaders, publishers and national executive search firm met at the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles CA, to establish mindful standards in the workplace

San Juan Capistrano, CA, Dec. 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Monk & The Mastermind (Craig Marshall & Rick Ladendorf), principles and co-founders of Prevo Health Solutions (PREVO), the 7 Mindful-Living Habits™ and, assembled a dozen private club industry leaders for a 2-day CLUB-M Mastermind Group to study and find ways to apply mindfulness in the workplace. Our goal is to create a network of mindful professionals.

Special thanks to Matthew Allnatt, General Manager and COO of the Jonathan Club, and Joe Furlow, General Manager of the Castle for Performing Arts (Magic Castle) for hosting the event November 3-4, 2019.

CLUB-M is a think tank of industry leaders that include general managers, management companies, publishers, recruiters, educational leaders & industry associations. The primary goal of CLUB-M is to establish standards & practices that help employers create purpose-driven and sustainable employee cultures that directly benefit the employer, the employee, the community and the industry. PREVO is all about education, ongoing-support and metrics. PREVO and CLUB-M are developing the framework for our proprietary “Mindful Quotient” (MQ) formula which can be used to measure attitude. MQ is equal to the sum of Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) and the Adaptability Quotient (AQ).

PREVO is beta testing a Leadership Engagement Program and Mindful Certification Program with private clubs from California to Florida with impressive results.

Robert Krzak, President of Gecko Hospitality, the nation’s largest hospitality recruitment firm and member of CLUB-M says, “Hiring & retaining the ‘right’ candidate starts with the words used in recruitment ads, the interviewing & selection process and every ‘touch-point’ along the way.” Robert adds, “Everyone wants to feel special, and want to know the organization’s value & purpose before accepting a position.”

As a yoga monk for 35 years, Craig Marshall, co-founder of Mindful “U”, has coached thousands of people on mindfulness & meditation practices. His conclusion, mindful leaders:

  • Live conscious lives
  • Are inspired leaders
  • Are purpose-driven
  • Understand the value of culture & community
  • Are innovative & critical thinkers
  • Have mastered change & transition
  • Are adaptive to change

Craig Marshall explains, “Mindfulness is a core skill that we did not learn in school nor is it taught in the workplace”. Craig adds, “A Carnegie Institute study showed that ‘attitude’ represents 85% of success, where skills & knowledge only account for 15%. You can teach people where to place the fork, but can you teach them to put a twinkle in their eye?”  

Co-founder, Rick Ladendorf, explains: “With record low unemployment and rising wages, many employers struggle to fill open positions and many are forced to hire temporary workers (H1B Visa Program) which is costly and time consuming because foreign workers are unfamiliar with American culture. More importantly, ‘soft-skills’ like empathy, compassion and stress-management are not taught in the educational system or in the workplace, resulting in turnover, absenteeism, low-productivity, stress, overwhelm, conflict & poor communication, which profoundly affects the bottom-line.”

CLUB-M is focused on how mindfulness can be applied to the workplace, which impacts customer relations, customer satisfaction, retention and the bottom-line.

Robbie Ames, General Manager/COO Sea Pines Country Club, had his whole management team co-create their core values this past year, resulting in big savings of time and frustration. Team leaders now evaluate potential projects and activities before committing time & energy, thus insuring maximum productivity by achieving the club’s strategic goals.  

Russell Sylte, PGA Master Professional, General Manager of the Hacienda Golf Club and CLUB-M founding member, has been a mindful leader for many years. Russell and his 13-member management team, begin each weekly managers’ meeting with a brief meditation, followed by 30 minutes of mindful discussion, led by Craig Marshall. Russell explains; “Certifying my team leaders as Mindful Professionals has taken all of us to a new level. Our team has never been so collaborative and creative, and we are breaking down departmental silos, reducing drama and making our club’s vision a daily reality.” 

CLUB-M is proving that mindful organizations, which are driven by purpose exemplify three main qualities:

  1. They stand up for something that will deliver true value or improve the lives of their customers
  2. They stand out from competitors by consistently delivering a distinctive customer experience across all channels, consistent with their promise
  3. They stand firm in creating a dynamic & sustainable culture

Research validates the importance of mindfulness in the workplace

2018 Cone/Porter Novelli Purpose Study

  • 78% of Americans believe companies must do more than just make money; they must positively impact society as well
  • 77% feel a stronger emotional connection to Purpose-driven companies over traditional companies
  • 66% would switch from a product they typically buy, to a new product from a Purpose-driven company
  • 68% are more willing to share content with their social networks over that of traditional companies

Deloitte 2016 Global Human Capital Trends Report

  • 87% of business leaders believe culture is important and yet only 28% of respondents believe they understand their current culture.

Miscellaneous studies

  • More than one-third of American workers experience chronic work stress, and almost two-thirds (65 percent) cite work as a significant source of stress.
  • 1 in 4 Americans reported that job demands interfere with their ability to fulfill family or home responsibilities.
  • 60% of all absenteeism at work is due to stress.
  • Stress related illnesses cost American industry $60 billion a year.
  • Health care costs are 50% higher for workers who report high levels of stress.

High cost of turnover

When you consider all of the costs associated with employee turnover – including interviewing, hiring, training, reduced productivity, lost opportunity costs, etc. – here's what it really costs an organization: For entry-level employees, it costs between 30-50 percent of their annual salary to replace them. Some studies (such as SHRM) predict that every time a business replaces a salaried employee, it costs 6 to 9 months' salary on average. For a manager making $40,000 a year, that's $20,000 to $30,000 in recruiting and training expenses.

Special thanks to the CLUB-M November 4, 2019 participants

John Fornaro -Publisher BoardRoom Magazine and Co-Founder of the Distinguished Clubs

Crystal Thomas – Principal of Crystal Clear Concepts and Managing Director CMAA Golden State Chapter

Matthew Allnatt – General Manager/COO Jonathan Club

Russell Sylte – General Manager Hacienda Golf Club

Jeff DeKruif – Assistant General Manager Blackhawk Country Club

Donna Otis – General Manager The Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe

Robbie Ames– General Manager/COO Sea Pines Country Club

Joe Furlow –General Manager at The Academy of Magical Arts/Magic Castle

Terry Walker – Superintendent Irvine School District

Robert Krzak - President Gecko Hospitality

Mike Morin – Member Success Manager Club Benchmarking

Justin Lake - Director Operations Troon


Prevo Health Solutions, Inc., is the executive producer of America's Healthiest Clubs™, (January 1, 2020 launch) and the 7 Mindful-Living Habits™. PREVO is the private club industry’s premier mindful-living solutions provider. Our mission is to build a network of certified mindful professionals through education, coaching and certification programs. Our team consists of industry leaders, educators, health & fitness experts and workplace wellness professionals. For more information email or call 888-321-1804.


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