Call Liberty Auto Protection Phone Number For Plans That Have Become Important For Drivers

Ocean, New Jersey, Jan. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Auto protection plans, also known as Extended Auto Warranty, provide coverage for different parts of your vehicle. Normally, auto protection companies offer a number of plans for customers to choose from. Depending on the nature and the state of your vehicle and also how you use it, you may settle for one or other of these plans. 

The primary reason why people opt for auto protection plans is that they save car-owners significant amounts of money by way of repair costs. If your car breaks down and if the breakdown is caused by a covered component, then the repair costs will be paid by your car insurance.  

Why Do You Need an Auto Protection Plan?

Let's have a look at average car maintenance and repair costs in the U.S. as detailed in the Consumer Reports website. According to their findings, average repair and maintenance costs are:

- Less than $900 for a one-year-old vehicle
- About $1,800 for a three-year-old vehicle
- About $3,800 for a five-year-old vehicle
- About $5,400 for an eight-year-old vehicle


Now, let's compare it with the average cost of a vehicle protection plan. According to a report by Endurance, an auto protection plan costs a car-owner $300-$700 annually. Of course, there are different variables at work here including the age of the car, the value of the vehicle, the usage it receives and obviously, the type of plan you decide to settle for. 

Now, doing simple math here will tell you that you stand to benefit from an auto coverage. Keep it in mind however that not all repairs are covered by auto plans. For example, even the most extensive coverage plans offered by leading car insurance companies do not provide cover for components such as tires, paint, brake, exhaust systems, shocks, batteries, and basic wear and tear systems such as upholstery, light bulbs, etc. 

This means that you need to research your car well before you choose your auto protection plan. So, acquaint yourself well with your car model and get to know its 'track record. For example, what components of the model are most prone to break down against systems that are good at holding up over time. This will give you a good idea about the plans that will be most beneficial for you. 

Liberty Auto Protection

There are a number of auto protection companies that provide reliable service to its customers. Liberty Auto Protection is one of them. The company offers six different vehicle coverage for its customers. You can choose their Basic Plan (most suitable for older vehicles) that will cover the engine of your vehicle; the mid-way Powertrain Plan will cover the drive axles, transmission, seals and gaskets, transfer case and the engine; or, you may go for their most comprehensive Elite Exclusionary Plan. The last plan will not only cover all the important components of your vehicle but will also provide protection for high-tech electrical appliances and luxury items such as air conditioning and others. 

For details on all Liberty Auto Protection plans, please visit:

Also, all auto plans from the company include several benefits such as roadside assistance, lockout assistance, car rental, trip interruption protection, and nationwide coverage. The last one is especially important since it allows you to get your car repaired from any licensed car repair shop or auto dealership facility located in Canada and the U.S.

Why we mention this is that with many auto insurance companies, you will need to have your car repaired by a specific service provider. You will face no such restrictions with Liberty Auto Protection. 

Finally, the company also provides top-notch customer service. Existing customers can reach a company rep for any assistance they need at the Liberty Auto Protection phone number 800-599-9557. Also, call the same number for price quotes and free counsel on auto plans.

