European Fish and Seafood Market Report 2020: Includes Historical (2013, 2017 & 2018) and Forecast Demand Data (2019, 2020 & 2021)

Dublin, Feb. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Fish and Seafood Market in Europe" report has been added to's offering.

The total Fish and Seafood Market is now worth a massive Euro 93.4 billion and is forecast to grow at an average annual 2.2% during the next five years, but with major variations between countries and products.

A unique strategic vision of demand and supply in the 24-country European Fish and Seafood market is presented, in particular, identifying the numerous companies present together with their market shares and major brands by country and product.

Taken together, this report provides a unique and invaluable hard data strategic picture of the dynamics of this market from both a demand and a supply perspective.

This report includes:

  • A detailed 45-page Executive Summary, including 28 graphs and 7 tables.
  • A complete Market Data Report, covering demand and supply data for each of the country and product markets in the report.

This report is based on the publisher's international food and drinks markets database, going strong since 1989. The database is continuously updated and reports, which are produced at the time of order, are consequently fully up-to-date at all times. The database now covers some 160+ products in 30 countries in North America, Europe, and the BRIC countries. Its reliability for accurate data based on long experience has long ensured its success over the years.

A complete quantitative, hard data demand and supply analysis of final human consumption in the country and product markets covered is provided. All product markets are carefully defined so as to be comparable across all countries.

96 markets, 712 companies and 973 company market shares and brands are assessed by country, company and product for your strategic planning, marketing campaigns and merger & acquisition projects.

All holding companies identified are presented by country and product, and also listed alphabetically with their key subsidiaries by country, detailing the product markets in which the latest market shares have been identified. The overall share in the market covered is provided. The estimated percent contribution of each product to final (retail + foodservice) sales is also provided.

Why You Should Buy This Report

This report entails a fully up-to-date mapping of the market providing valuable support to strategic marketing decisions, in particular regarding:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Market Opportunities & Risks
  • Companies Strengths & Weaknesses

Market Demand Highlights

  • This total market grew by 2.2% annually from 2013 to 2018 to reach Euro 93.4 billion in 2018.
  • Expenditure per capita for this total market in 2018 was Euro 126.6 per capita.
  • The Foodservice market in 2018 made up 22.7% of this total market by value.

Market Demand Analysis and Forecasts to 2021

  • Europe is forecast to grow at an average annual 2.15%, equivalent to an overall change of 11.2% over the five-year forecast period.
  • For all the 96 country & product, markets covered, historical (2013, 2017 & 2018) and forecast demand data (2019, 2020 & 2021) are provided for the retail, foodservice and total markets by volume and value, together with comparative analysis of all markets, including by per capita consumption and expenditure.

A Unique Strategic Vision of the 712 Major Players

This report presents a strategic vison of the major multi-country players as well as all the significant players in each country. 585 holding companies and 127 key subsidiaries are identified, covering each of the 4 countries and product markets presented, together with 973 market shares and matching brands. The Top-10 Players supply 19.7% of this market.

The Top-10 Players Supply 19.7% of the Market

The leading company by market share value is Nomad with a 5.4% share, followed by Lion Capital (3.3%) and Marine Harvest (2.2%). This unique strategic company compilation is drawn from the publisher's online database (10,000+ companies, 25,000+ market shares).

The Top-10 Companies by Total Market Share

In the total 96 country & product markets covered (full detail in the main report).

1. Nomad (5.4%) in 16 markets.
2. Lion Capital (3.3%) in 16 markets.
3. Marine Harvest (2.2%) in 16 markets.
4. Agama Group (2.0%) in 4 markets.
5. Pomona (1.6%) in 4 markets.
6. Bolton (1.2%) in 17 markets.
7. Heristo (1.1%) in 12 markets.
8. Pescanova (1.1%) in 12 markets.
9. Fish Roud (0.9%) in 1 market.
10. IFRC (0.9%) in 7 markets.

Detailed In-Depth Coverage Includes

  • No. of Country Markets - 24
  • No. of Product Markets - 4
  • Total No. Country/Prod Markets - 96
  • No. of Holding Companies - 585
  • No. of Key Subsidiaries - 127
  • No. of Co. Market Shares - 973

The executive summary presents a detailed comparative analysis of the country and products markets from numerous aspects, that taken together provide an insightful SWOT picture for strategic decision-making.

28 bar graphs, pie charts and combination charts enable key markets to be identified at a glance, providing invaluable insights into market opportunities. 7 data tables complement these, summing up the overall market.

Drawing on the 10,000 companies and 25,000 company market shares contained in the main online database, leading companies for each of the product markets and overall in the market are identified and provide unrivalled coverage of the dominance and presence of the main players.

Market Analysis

On the demand side, commented graphs and tables systematically identify leading markets by product and by country, and cover:

  • The total market
  • Retail and foodservice markets
  • Historic growth trends
  • Forecasts per capita consumption and expenditure
  • Combination market size and growth graphs

Company Analysis

  • The Top-10 players overall identified by dominance (market share) and presence (number of individual markets in which present).
  • The Top-100 companies by market share (the market data report lists these and more).
  • Own label (private label), branded, unbranded and artisanal (own-produced for own-sale).

Market Data Report

This report provides detailed demand and supply (company market shares and brands) data covering 4 product markets in each of 24 European countries, or 96 countries/product markets altogether.


  • Fresh Fish
  • Canned Fish
  • Frozen Fish
  • Dried Smoked Salted Fish

Countries Covered

  • Austria
  • Belgium/Lux
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom

Data Coverage

For each of the 240 product and country markets listed above:

  • Total Demand (Retail + Foodservice) by Volume and Value for 2013, 2017, and 2018 and forecasts for 2019, 2020, and 2021.
  • Retail and Foodservice Demand by Volume and Value for 2018.
  • Company Market Shares by Value for 2019.
  • Key Company Subsidiaries.
  • Brand Listings by Company, Product and Country
  • Own label (private label), branded, unbranded and artisanal (own made for own sale) market shares.

Companies Mentioned

  • A&H Serrano
  • AAK
  • Aakerman
  • Aalesund-fisk
  • Abramczyk
  • Acvares
  • Adrien
  • Advang
  • Affish
  • Aframar
  • Agama Group
  • Agra
  • Agrirom
  • Agromar
  • Agromey
  • Ahumados Benfumat
  • Ahumados Canarios
  • Ahumados Dominguez
  • Ahumados Nordfish
  • Ahumados Sabal
  • Aimar
  • Aker ASA
  • Alamar
  • Albacora
  • Alfarm Alarko
  • Alfredo
  • Alimentos del Mar
  • Alimentos Javimar
  • Alimentos Prosalud
  • Almar
  • Alta Bulgaria
  • Alva
  • Amanda Seafoods
  • Amati Food
  • Amiral Fish
  • AMS Sourcing
  • Anfele
  • Angel Lo-pez Soto
  • Angulas Aguinaga
  • Antardida
  • APEF
  • Apetito
  • Appetais
  • Aqua Fish
  • Aqualande
  • Aquanor
  • Aquila
  • Arbi Dario
  • Arco-baleno
  • Ardo
  • Arena Holding
  • Arkale
  • Arpol
  • Artal Group
  • Atanas Kolev
  • Atlanfish
  • Atlantik AD
  • Atlantinc Capital
  • Austevoll
  • Azzura Pesca
  • B. Paulus Tiefkuhl.
  • Baarssen
  • Bacala-dera
  • Bacalaos Eguillor
  • Balatoni Halaszati
  • Balkan Fish
  • Baltaxia
  • Baltica
  • Baltijos Delikat.
  • Bantry Bay Seafoods
  • Barbe
  • Barro-sinho
  • Barrufet
  • Belamar
  • Bernard Matthews
  • Bidvest
  • Blomlofs Rokeri
  • Bluecrest Seafood
  • Bofrost
  • Bolton
  • Bon Filet
  • Bonito Salmar
  • Boparan
  • Bornholms
  • Boyne Valley
  • Brioche Pasquier
  • Brivais Vilinis
  • Broderna Hanssons
  • Brouwer
  • Burgas Fishing
  • Burren Smokehs
  • Cadelmar
  • Caladero
  • Calvo
  • CapVest
  • Carlos Albo
  • Cepha-lonian
  • Cerdeimar
  • Cermaq
  • Cerny
  • Chance-rele
  • Chance-relle
  • Chernomor Burgas
  • Chipsters
  • Chur-walden
  • CKI
  • CKS
  • Cle-arwater
  • Coalma
  • Coam
  • Cobreco
  • Cofaco
  • Colco
  • Coldfish
  • Complex Brasov
  • Congalsa
  • Congel. Mar
  • Connors Seafoods
  • Connorsa
  • Conserv. Provencal
  • Conservas Cerqueira
  • Conservas Cuca
  • Conservas Dardo
  • Conservas Dentici
  • Conservas Friscos
  • Conservas Garavilla
  • Conservas Noroeste
  • Conservas Ortiz
  • Consorcio Grupo
  • Contimax
  • Coop Etaples
  • Corretora
  • CP Standart
  • Cremonini
  • Cruscana
  • Crus-tarmor
  • Dalmore-product
  • Danforel
  • Dardanel nentas
  • Delamaris
  • Delfin
  • Delicius Rizzoli
  • Delimax
  • Delta Mossel
  • Delta Plus
  • Denholm
  • Deutsche See
  • Diavena
  • Dilles
  • Dimfil
  • Dinon
  • Discofa
  • Dom Manuel
  • Domstein
  • Donat-antonio
  • Dunekacke & Wilms
  • Dyhrberg
  • Ebro Foods
  • Ecocean
  • Eduardo Vieira
  • Eisvogel
  • Elexir
  • Elgeka Ferfelis
  • Epa Aveiro
  • Eredi Rossi Silvio
  • Errigal Seafood
  • Escal
  • Escuris
  • Espersen
  • ET Dand
  • ET Mihalev
  • ET Rusto-Ivan Rusev
  • ET Veksido
  • Falcon Trading Group
  • Falken-bergs
  • Fandi-costa
  • Farne
  • Faroe Seafoods
  • Fastnet Seafoods
  • Feinkost Dittmann
  • Femeg
  • Ferruccio Zarotti
  • FFF
  • Filippou Group
  • Finpesca
  • Firda Canning
  • Fisch Gultzow
  • Fischkr. Salzburg
  • Fish & More
  • Fish Ner
  • Fish Roud
  • Fjord
  • Flanderr
  • Fleury Michon
  • Follow-fish
  • Fols
  • Food Partners
  • Forkys
  • Forman
  • Fr. Pedersen
  • Framgord
  • Franzin
  • Fregat
  • Freiremar
  • Frescal
  • Fresh Catch
  • Frigo Food
  • Frinsa
  • Friul Trota
  • Frosta
  • Frost-krone
  • Gabriel
  • Galfre
  • Garavilla
  • Garcia Lopez
  • Gaston
  • Gastromer
  • GB Foods
  • gelo
  • Gelpeixe
  • Gendreau
  • Generale Conserve
  • GEP
  • Giacinto Callipo
  • Gilde Equity
  • Gimbert Ocean
  • Glenryck
  • Glico
  • Globa-limar
  • GMF
  • Gold Fish
  • Golden Prize Canning
  • Goldfish
  • Gottfried Friedrich
  • Graal
  • Grieg Seafood
  • Group Bostanci
  • Groupe Gabriel
  • Grupo Amasua
  • Grupo Banchio
  • Grupo-Mozos
  • Guyader
  • H. van Wijnen
  • H.J. Nolan
  • Haak & Christ
  • Halieutis
  • Hallvard Leroy
  • Haludvar
  • Hamburger Feinfrost
  • Hanegal
  • Hatzo-poulos
  • Hawesta
  • Hawlik
  • Hearth-side
  • Hebridean Salmon
  • Hebrides Harvest
  • Heinrich Schwarz & Sohn
  • Hellenic Seafarm
  • Henk Kraan
  • Heristo
  • Herring Trade
  • Hevico
  • Hilton Foods
  • Hitra Mat
  • HKScan
  • Hottlet
  • I. Schroeder
  • I.G. Montes
  • Iberia
  • Iberica de Congel
  • Icat Food
  • Iceland Seafood
  • Icelandic Group
  • Idamar
  • IFRC
  • Industri Kapital
  • Inteira
  • Inter-aliment
  • Interfish
  • Interpral
  • Interryb-flot
  • Intersea-fish
  • Irish SeaSpray
  • IRP-25 EOOD
  • Isidro de la Cal
  • ISPG
  • Jealsa Rianxeira
  • Joseph Robertson
  • Jostoco
  • Juan Roqueta
  • Kala Kallen
  • Kalamar. Kalas
  • Kalli-manis
  • Kalloni
  • Katsouris Brothers
  • Kaviar House
  • Kawasho
  • Kenne-mervis
  • Keohane's Seafoods
  • Kibun
  • Kimbex
  • King & Prince
  • King-fisher
  • Klaas Puul
  • Kldes-holmen
  • Klonasta
  • Koc Holding
  • Konto-veros
  • Kuivanie-men Kala
  • Kverva
  • La Balinesa
  • La Barca
  • La Gaviota
  • Laita
  • Langlade + Grancelli
  • Lnnen Tehtaat
  • Larsen Seafood
  • Larus
  • Launis
  • Le Fumet des Dombes
  • Lery Seafoods
  • Les Mousquet.
  • LFO
  • Limito
  • Lind-strms
  • Lion Capital
  • L'Isola d'Oro
  • Lossie Seafoods
  • Lucas
  • Luis Cal. Sanz
  • Lur Berri
  • Lykkeberg
  • Lysell
  • M&J Seafood
  • Macromex
  • Madrugada
  • Mandy Food
  • Manna
  • Mardesic
  • Marfresco
  • Marfrio
  • Marimax Group
  • Marine Harvest
  • Marines
  • Mars
  • Martiko
  • Matra
  • Mazzola
  • McCain
  • McLean Brothers
  • Merl
  • Mersel
  • Miceli
  • Miradouro Friopesca
  • Mitsu-bishi
  • Mitsui
  • Monsalmo
  • Moray Seafoods
  • Morpol
  • Morrisons
  • Movenpick
  • MSC
  • Murtosa
  • MWBrands
  • Myrskyln Savust.
  • Naturavit
  • Nautilus Food
  • Navodarul
  • NC
  • Negro 2000
  • Neopesca
  • Neptun Feinkost
  • Neptun Fish Food
  • Nestle
  • Neue Ruegen Fisch
  • Nichols Frozen
  • Nireus Fisheries
  • Nomad
  • Nomura
  • Nor. Royal Salmon
  • Nord King
  • Nordic Seafood
  • Nord-qvists
  • Norebo
  • Norlax
  • Norsk Hydro
  • Nortura
  • Norwegian Salmon
  • Nuova Castelli
  • OAO Ribo-kombinat
  • Ocean
  • Ocean Fish
  • Ocean Garden
  • Oceana
  • Oceanpath
  • Okeanski Ribov
  • Oliva Torch
  • Ominvest
  • Optorg
  • Orkla
  • Ornua
  • Orogel
  • Ospelt
  • Ostsee Fisch
  • Oxfam Fairtrade
  • Ozean Delicates
  • P&D
  • Panapesca
  • Paquito
  • Paramount
  • Parlevl. & Plas
  • Pasapesca
  • Pascoal
  • Passalis
  • Pelekan
  • Pereira
  • Perseus
  • Pescadona
  • Pescagel
  • Pescamore
  • Pescanova
  • Pesca-puerta
  • Pescaris
  • Peste P
  • Pesticom
  • Pestis. de aur
  • Petro-ssian
  • Pielisen
  • Pinegrain
  • Piscicola Arad
  • Piscicola Calarasi
  • Piscicola Zau
  • Pita Hermanos
  • PLP Seafood
  • Podravka
  • Pokko
  • Polar Seafood
  • Polar Seafood Russia
  • Polaris
  • Pomona
  • Poseidon
  • PP
  • PRFoods
  • Procuri-tas
  • Profood
  • Promalar
  • Queallys
  • Rahbek-fisk
  • Ramirez
  • Regnoli
  • Rein-hartsen
  • Reya
  • Riba Komers
  • Ribdovna basa
  • Ribeks
  • Riber-alves
  • Rib'stvo Russe
  • Rigas Sprotes
  • Ristic
  • Riunione
  • Roem v. Yerseke
  • ROK-1
  • Rom-pescaria
  • Royal Arctic
  • Royal Greenland
  • Russalka
  • Russian Sea
  • Ryba Kosice
  • Ryba Zilina
  • Rybarstv
  • Rybarstvi Trebon
  • Rybrstvo Po~ehy
  • Rybex CZ
  • Rybhand
  • Saaristo-meren Kala
  • Saeby
  • Sby Fiskeind.
  • Sag-diclar
  • Salazones Serrano
  • Salmar ASA
  • Salmo
  • Salmon Est
  • Salmonsur
  • Sanamar
  • Santa Bremor
  • Sardes
  • Schenkel
  • Schwaaner
  • Scofish
  • Sco-Fro
  • Scot Trout
  • SD Plavskra
  • Sea Bell
  • Seabay
  • Seafarm Ionian
  • Seafood de la Mer
  • Selonda
  • Serpico
  • Serrats
  • SFF
  • Shamrock Fish
  • Shell Fish de la Mer
  • Shetland Catch
  • Shetland Smokeh.
  • Sia Ulmes
  • Silverfum
  • Sirena
  • Sjtroll
  • Sjovik-tral
  • Skaarfish
  • Skandia
  • Skarhamns Freezer
  • Slavjanka
  • Slovryb
  • Sodercan
  • SOF-Odden
  • Sokra
  • Sol-Fish
  • Soparind Bongrain
  • Sopeixe
  • Sopralex
  • Soyuz-Billion
  • SRF
  • Stanpol
  • Stefan Palsson
  • Stein-asalir
  • Stolt Nielsen
  • Strabex Fish
  • Suempol
  • Suez Lyonnaise
  • Taabbel
  • Taldom-Fish
  • Tea Sirena
  • Tehnolat
  • Teixere
  • Thai Union
  • Thai Union Group
  • Thenaisie Provote
  • Thistle Seafoods
  • TPK Vilon
  • Tri Marine
  • Tryfoni-dis
  • UFF
  • UFT
  • Uhrenholt
  • Uni-Fisk
  • Unilever
  • V. Hukkanen
  • Valcarcel
  • Vstkust-file
  • Veksido 77
  • Ventspils ZKK
  • Vette & Verhaart
  • Vichiunai
  • Vici
  • Viciunai Group
  • Victory Distrib
  • Vicziunai-Pol
  • Vilassar
  • Vilsund Muslinge
  • VLG
  • VOG
  • Vog Atlantik
  • Voggen-thaler
  • Von Eitzen
  • W. & F. Fish
  • Wernsing Feinkost
  • Whitelink
  • Wilbo
  • Wilbo Seafood
  • Wilhelm Goedeken
  • William Carr
  • Wm Carr & Sons
  • Xantelmar
  • Xifias
  • Yasar Holding
  • Yildiz Holding
  • Yurrita
  • Yuzhmor-rybflot
  • Zanae Nikoglou
  • Zanae-Zimai Art
  • Zarotti
  • Zemlyan-skiy
  • Zizzo Billante

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