Jalon Mobility Awards

The call for proposals is now open for the second edition highlighting resilience and innovation in sustainable mobility

Montréal, April 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Now more than ever, it’s important to support and promote the organizations that shape the sustainable and intelligent mobility solutions that our cities need to become more resilient. It’s in honour of our cities that Jalon is launching the second edition of the Jalon Mobility Awards, which are slated to take place on October 15, 2020. Organizations in Québec are now invited to submit their applications. 


Given the reality facing companies and the physical distancing and sanitation measures currently in place, please note that the Jalon team reserves the right to modify the date or the format of the event (face-to-face vs. virtual) to reflect the government guidelines in effect at the time.


Nine categories will reward the efforts made by agents of change in sustainable mobility


During the event, prizes will be awarded in the following nine categories:

  • Human experience
  • Active mobility
  • Collective mobility
  • Shared mobility
  • Energy efficiency and electrification
  • Intelligent mobility in urban settings
  • Urban planning
  • Freight logistics
  • Start-up companies


Submit your application

The people or organizations interested in submitting their application are invited to visit jalonmtl.org/en/jalon-mobility-awards/ to review the rules and access the application form. 

Because of the current COVID-19 context, no registration fees will be required at this time to submit your application. 

An independent jury will oversee the selection process and will be unveiled at a later date.


About Jalon and the Jalon Mobility Awards

Jalon is a non-profit organization that helps accelerate the development of new technologies in intelligent and sustainable mobility. Through its involvement in various projects, it fosters the conditions required for the emergence of innovations and the testing of new adapted solutions that will shape the urban mobility of tomorrow.

 The second edition of the Jalon Mobility Awards rewards the efforts made by agents of change in mobility. Last year more than 380 people—from business, academia and government, as well as representatives from the not-for-profit sector and from various municipalities across Québec—took part in this remarkable event. Journalist, presenter and producer Stéphan Bureau will be back to host the 2020 edition.


