Captivating New Biography on James Bruce Reveals Mission to Eradicate Slavery

Author Jane Aptekar Reeve paints a picture of the remarkable and misunderstood Scottish traveler in her book, ‘Plotting to Stop the British Slave Trade: James Bruce and his Secret Mission to Africa’

OXFORD, England, May 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Author Jane Aptekar Reeve learned about historical figure, James Bruce and his exploits after her travels to Ethiopia. Fascinated by his compelling life, Reeve conducted extensive research of his life and compiled it into her deeply intriguing biography, “Plotting to Stop the British Slave Trade: James Bruce and his Secret Mission to Africa”. A man who is famously remembered for his expedition to the Blue Nile, Reeve peels back layers of history to reveal James’s role in British government and his efforts to change the course of history.


Bruce’s work as an espionage agent seeking to eradicate slavery across the Mediterranean and Red Seas is uncovered from Reeve’s research of Britain’s National Archives. The focus of this book is to not only educate readers about the life of James Bruce but to discuss the historic background of the Mediterranean and Atlantic slave-trading habits at the time.


A book that provides a portrait of a complex man whose life in 18th century Ethiopia and North Africa was filled with adventure and exploration; fans of history will find Reeve’s biography to be filled with fascinating insights.


“Bruce’s story touches on a great many, very different, places, peoples and topics,” Reeve says. “I believe it is essential that we open our minds to different cultures and aspects of history to learn about their true impact on the world.”


Those who are interested in learning about Bruce’s life and history of Ethiopia will thoroughly enjoy “Plotting to Stop the British Slave Trade” and its focus on the religious and political climate during this remarkable time in history.


“Plotting to Stop the British Slave Trade: James Bruce and his Secret Mission to Africa”

By Jane Aptekar Reeve

ISBN: 9781728396248 (softcover); 9781728396255 (hardcover)

Available at the AuthorHouse Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the author

Jane Aptekar Reeve was born in Scotland and traveled frequently throughout her life. She received her M.A. in English Literature and Language from St Hilda’s College at the University of Oxford. She was a Fulbright Scholar studying American Literature at Indiana University and received her Ph.D in Comparative Literature from Columbia University in New York City. Her first published work, Icons of Justice in Spenser’s “Faerie Queene”, was published in 1976 by Columbia University Press after it won a Best Dissertation award. Working as an English teacher, she later became an editor at the United Nations Secretariat in New York City. When retired, she relocated to Oxford, England where she compiled her comprehensive findings of James Bruce’s life into this book. To learn more, please visit

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