Gender Equity in Leadership: How to Accelerate Evolution

Brandon Hall Group’s 2020 Women In Leadership Study reveals employers are not making significant progress in improving gender equity in leadership.

Boca Raton, June 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Women comprise less than 40% of senior leadership in four out of five organizations but only one in five employers increased senior female leadership by more than 5% in the last two years.

“The key to accelerating progress is driving systemic change, with a focus on building a culture of diversity and inclusion and creating accountability across the enterprise,” said Mike Cooke, CEO of Brandon Hall Group.

Brandon Hall Group has conducted annual Women in Leadership studies for the last four years which concluded the bottom-line benefits of gender-diverse leadership. One of those studies found that companies with lower gender diversity were 27% less likely to attain industry-average profit margins.

“Organizations failing to develop more senior women leaders lack progress in ensuring leadership that reflects its employee and customer base, which will become increasingly diverse in the years ahead,” said Brandon Hall Group SVP of Research Claude Werder.

“There are several critical issues to address, but it starts with determining how to do a better job prioritizing gender equity in leadership among other organizational goals,” said Brandon Hall Group COO Rachel Cooke.

Based on quantitative and qualitative data from the 2020 Brandon Hall Group Women In Leadership Study, several high-level strategies to improve gender diversity in leadership are provided in the summary.

To view the summary of the 2020 Women In Leadership Study, click here.


-About Brandon Hall Group-

Brandon Hall Group is the world’s only professional-development company that provides data, research, insights and certification to Learning and Talent professionals and organizations. The best companies in the world rely on Brandon Hall Group to help create future-proof employee-development plans for the new era of work and management.

For more than 27 years, BHG empowers, recognizes and certifies excellence in organizations throughout the world, driving the development of more than 10,000,000 employees and executives. Our annual HCM Excellence Awards program was the first to recognize and celebrate organizations for learning and talent, and as the industry’s gold standard is known as the “Academy Awards of Human Capital Management.”

Brandon Hall Group’s cloud-based platform delivers evidence-based insights in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Talent Acquisition and HR/Workforce Management for corporate organizations and HCM solution providers.

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