The Decision of District Court of Vilnius City came into force which satisfied AB Snaigė complaint regarding notary refusal to perform notarial acts

The Decision of District Court of Vilnius city came into force by which the complaint of AB Snaigė (hereinafter The Company) was satisfied and the notary was obligated to perform notarial acts specified in the Company’s application for implementation of 1 October 2018 decision of extraordinary shareholders meeting by which the Company was implementing the decision of the director of the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania, No. 241-19 dated 29 January 2018, that is to restore the revaluation reserve by reducing the authorized capital of the Company.
Taking into account the changes in the authorized capital of the Company that occurred in year 2019 and the fact that currently the authorized capital and nominal value of one share of the Company do not correspond to the authorized capital and nominal value of share, indicated in the shareholder’s decision of 1 October 2018, it is necessary to make new decision to reduce the authorized capital by EUR 3,566,015.55 by reducing the nominal value of the previously issued shares by EUR 0.09. This change of authorized capital does not affect the Company's financial results or solvency.
In order to implement the decision of director of the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania, No. 241-19 dated 29 January 2018, in the near future the Company will apply to the Board for convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, and after the Board will made a decision on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, it will be announced by separate notice.

General Director
Mindaugas Sologubas
Phone: +370 315 56206