MANUTAN GROUP : 2019/2020 Q4 : Turnover Return to growth in Q4

Gonesse, October 15th 2020

2019/2020 Q4 Turnover

Return to growth in Q4
Over the 2019/2020 fiscal year, the Group's turnover recorded slight growth compared to the previous year, in the very turbulent economic context due to the health crisis.

€ thousandsTurnover at the end of September 2020Turnover at the end of September 2019Q4 2020Q4 2019Q3 2020Q3 2019Q2 2020Q2 2019Q1 2020Q1 2019
755 454768 242213 049205 399178 598190 484172 522179 748191 286192 612
Contribution of acquired companies*24 2515 6435 9585 6435 86006 69605 7370
Total turnover779 705773 885219 007211 042184 458190 484179 218179 748197 023192 612

*Acquisition of Kruizinga on June 14th 2019

Over the 2019/2020 fiscal year, the Manutan Group’s Turnover amounted to € 779.7 million compared to € 773.9 million previous fiscal year, an increase of +0.8% ( -1.6% at like-for-like scope, constant exchange rates and number of working days, with a scope effect of +2.4%, a currency effect of -0.04% and a day effect of +0.05%).

During Q4 2019/2020 fiscal year, the Manutan Group’s business has grown by +3.8% compared to the same quarter of fiscal year 2018/2019. This increase amounted to +3.6% at constant exchange rates and number of working days (with a currency effect of +0.03% and a day effect of +0.1%). Turnover therefore stood at € 219.0 million compared to € 211.0 million for the fourth quarter of the previous year.

In terms of its operational areas, the Group’s situation is as follows :

€ thousandsTurnover at the end of September 2020Turnover at the end of September 2019Q4 2020Q4 2019Q3 2020Q3 2019Q2 2020Q2 2019Q1 2020Q1 2019
Enterprises593 705573 296145 202139 363147 466139 039152 078150 229148 959144 665
   South284 905269 95368 42762 54475 28565 80569 50671 54671 68770 059
   Centre143 552126 48235 79933 88033 44829 01238 69332 71335 61330 877
   West106 454114 57727 95429 54424 58328 71327 06529 61126 85226 709
   North35 16038 8928 1657 8748 8979 6649 10410 4888 99510 867
   Est23 63423 3924 8585 5225 2535 8467 7105 8715 8126 153
Local Authorities186 000200 58973 80571 67936 99251 44527 14029 51948 06447 947
   South186 000200 58973 80571 67936 99251 44527 14029 51948 06447 947
TOTAL779 705773 885219 007211 042184 458190 484179 218179 748197 023192 612

At constant exchange rates and on a like-for like basis 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th QuarterFinancial Year
Local Authorities+2.8%-9.5%-27.4%+3.0%-6.8%
  • The Enterprises division growth in the fourth quarter (+4.0%) was mainly driven up by the South area and Centre areas. The North area got back on the path to growth after three quarters declined. The East area was impacted by a sharp decline in Poland, which nevertheless remained in strong growth throughout the year. The West area continued to be impacted by the slowdown in business due to the pandemic.
  • The activity of the Local Authorities division returned to growth in the fourth quarter (+3.0%), after the decline in the two previous quarters, linked to schools’ closure policy during the lockdown period in France.

The Group's priorities remain focused on adjusting and developing its product and service offering to best meet the changing needs of its customers, while ensuring the safety of its partners and employees. The health crisis enabled the Group to step up its investments in Digital, which fully contributed to growth over the year. All the warehouses have remained and remain operational and keep also applying all the instructions and protective measures recommended by the health authorities in each country where the Group operates.

Due to the uncertainties surrounding the current global crisis, it is hard to estimate how the Group's results for the coming months will be affected, but Manutan is going the extra mile to minimise the repercussions while continuing to prepare for the future and draw strength from its ever solid key attributes.

About the Manutan Group

Manutan, a family-run group founded in 1966, is a European leader in BtoB e-commerce, specializing in the distribution of equipment for businesses and local authorities.

Offering one of the most extensive range of high-quality products and services in Europe, the Group satisfies all its customers' needs and delivers support and guidance in streamlining their indirect purchases.

With 26 subsidiaries across 17 European countries, the Group employs over 2,200 people and generated revenue of €774 million in 2018/19. Manutan France received the Best Workplaces distinction in 2020.

Manutan International is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment B - ISIN: FR0000032302-MAN.

Next publication : Annual results 2019/2020
December 2nd 2020 (after market closure)


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