Portland, OR, Oct. 31, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clear Nails Plus is a form of dietary supplement that targets nail fungus and tries to eliminate it through a combination of herbal and natural extracts that are antifungal and antibacterial. It comes in bottles of 30 capsules and is, in its way, a month-long supply. It is recommended that you only take one capsule a day to prevent side effects that will be mentioned later. It was created to make your nails free of fungus, often represented by a yellowish color. Clear Nails Plus also aims to solve your nails' brittleness by strengthening them through several other ingredients in the product. While all this sounds enticing, especially to someone who struggled with nail fungus all their life, we must dissect everything about the product, down to its core.
Watch Now by Clicking Here: Critical Report About This Supplement Released!
Fair warning, though, is just a dietary supplement, and if you are looking for medication, this is not it. There are no therapeutic claims that come with this product. Here is an honest Clear Nails Plus review for everyone that wishes to use this particular product for their everyday lives.
Who Created Clear Nails Plus?
Clear Nails Plus was formulated by someone named Roy Williams. Now, this man was said to have spent 18 years of his life in the field of medicine. While some doubts and speculation surround this somewhat mysterious person, no further information is being given about his background, other than being affiliated with Integrated Health. This company is a renowned company in dietary supplements, and they only rose to prominence through this product called Clear Nails Plus.
Other than that, we are in the dark about the owners. It is safe to assume that the name Roy Williams is a pen name, but further research needs to be done. Of course, we want to know if a product is credible through its owner’s credibility.
Why Is There Clear Nails Plus?
Clear Nails Plus was made because Roy Williams’ father was stricken with a horrible disease. It was because of a minor fungal infection on his foot that he initially ignored. The fungus then spread all over the body, and doctors, seeing no way to save his father, refused to treat him. It was unclear if his father died or not, but he had the motivation to find the perfect solution for nail fungus since that day. He researched, owing to his history in medicine, and came up with a nearly known formula as the best antifungal treatment available in the world. Disclaimer again, this is from the company’s own words, which is why I will be leading you in this honest Clear Nails Plus review.
Where is Clear Nails Plus Made?
This detail is also shrouded in mystery. However, we have a general answer. The Clear Nails Plus supplement is made in the USA. Thus, it is safe to assume that the product is safe by US standards at least. There is no data on whether the product is made in an FDA-approved manufacturing plant, so care is advised before taking on this product.
Now that we know a little bit about Clear Nails Plus, let us jump into the scientific facts. Have you ever wondered what is inside one capsule of that supplement? Well, you are about to find out the pros, cons, and thoughts about them in the following chapters.
Clear Nails Plus Ingredients
Clear Nails Plus ingredients are based on nature. It is organic and allegedly chemical-free. I cannot vouch for the latter statement, but not much data is being released on the Clear Nails Plus official website. If you’ve seen that long video on their homepage, I’m pretty sure you got lost in the first two minutes of it, so I’ll walk you through the ingredients.
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Here are the essential active ingredients, as presented on their official website, together with their uses and summarized benefits. The Clear Nails Plus Supplements hold eight potent probiotic components such as:
- Bacillus Subtilis is the first and most crucial component with numerous experiments that have demonstrated the importance of this ingredient for the immune system. Research also shows that bacteria and fungi that come into contact with Bacillus Subtilis had been demolished; nevertheless, healthy bacteria in the body are not harmed, thus improving the immune and disease tolerance of one's body.
- Bifidobacterium Breve and Lactobacillus Plantarum. These two components function together to kill unhealthy bacteria and retain beneficial gut bacteria. These ingredients help combat bacterial and fungal infections by improving the body's immune response and encouraging the regeneration of the skin.
- Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. This ingredient works by stopping fungus and bacteria from collecting in one's body while preventing eczema and fighting dermatitis.
- Bifidobacterium Longum. This component combats viral, fungal, and bacterial infections while also repairing leaky guts and operating to avoid fungus infections in the future.
- Lactobacillus Casei. This remarkable component has proven to improve the elder's immune system while stopping fungal infections at the root.
- Oregano – this leaf is very rich in antioxidants. It has that fragrant smell that you will either love or hate (honestly, there is no in-between). It is assumed to have antibacterial properties and may also have anti-cancer properties thanks to its high antioxidant level. It may also reduce viral infection and decrease inflammation. Overall, it is a solid leaf by health standards.
- Bioperine – now this is an ingredient that has a trademarked name. Its actual name is Piperine. It is a natural product that deals with inflammation, digestion, pain reduction, and cancerous cells.
- Wormwood - this is used as a remedy for liver and gallbladder problems. It can help with our digestion as well as relieve spasms in the digestion tract.
- Olive Leaf Extract – olive leaves reduce cardiovascular risk, lowers blood sugar, support weight loss, boosts immunity, and reduces inflammation.
- Apple Cider Vinegar – this is a trendy drink nowadays. Usually taken by health-conscious people, Apple Cider Vinegar can improve digestion, lower blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and improve heart health.
- Turmeric – like Bioperine, Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory ingredient. It is also a potent antioxidant and may help with certain mild skin conditions.
- Garlic Bulb – more commonly known as just garlic, this plant can boost your immunity, reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and lower the risk of heart disease. It is also antibacterial.
That is just it. Those are the ingredients involved in one capsule of Clean Nails Plus. It is worth noting that most of these products are antifungal and antibacterial in their purest forms. They are also mostly dominated by anti-inflammatory properties, emphasizing improved cardiovascular health, among others.
According to its ingredients, if we are to read this product, it is essentially a calmer of sorts. If you have an inflamed part of your body or suffer from high blood pressure, this might also work for you. It also has antioxidant properties, which may make your body more robust in the long run.
Some of the ingredients manage blood sugar levels, which is essential for faster healing and recovery. Higher blood sugar levels can slow down the speed of clotting, so it is great that they thought of this as well.
Now that we know how the ingredients work, let us now see how the Clear Nails Plus supplement works with the combination of these ingredients.
How Does Clear Nails Plus Work?
Clear Nails Plus works by essentially ridding your nails of the single problem and why you are eyeing this product in the first place – fungus. The ingredients have a vast array of antifungal and antibacterial properties. It was designed to be a capsule rather than the traditional cream or ointment so that the body would easily absorb it as a whole. In order to understand how this product works, we must understand nail fungus in general.
Nail fungus causes your nail to become yellow. It also becomes brittle and painful over time. What happened is that the fungus grew under your nail, in the space just above the nail bed. Usually, a person will get nail fungus by getting his foot soaked underwater for long periods. Your toe will get inflamed over time because of the fungal infection, and as time goes by, it can lead to severe consequences if left ignored.
This is where the magic of all the ingredients of Clear Nails Plus comes to play. It is essentially an all-in-one attempt to stop fungus, bacterial, and inflammatory intrusion into our nails. However, please do not get your hopes up since the Clear Plus website specifically says that their product must not substitute the medical advice given by a certified health professional.
What is more, this product has not been evaluated yet by the Food and Drug Administration. Why? It is because dietary supplements, according to law, cannot be labeled as fake or not working unless a person gets severe illnesses from taking that particular food or dietary supplement. Dietary supplements are a loophole.
Always remember to seek professional medical help when dealing with specific conditions like this. However, it will not hurt to try this product too since it has no ingredient harmful to your body unless you are allergic to it. In most cases, chronic versions of foot fungus require better professional medical help, so for one, make sure it is just an acute infection rather than a chronic one.
How Long Does It Take for Clear Nails Plus to Work?
It is recommended on the Clear Nails Plus official website to take one capsule every single day. One bottle of Clear Nails Plus is one month’s supply. Usually, it takes anywhere from one to six months' use of Clear Nails Plus for it to work. It will depend on the person’s tolerance to drug intake and the severity of their nail fungus as a whole.
Another note to take is that Clear Nails Plus’ can have different results per person, so do not expect to have the same results as another person. One month of improvement for him can take four weeks of improvement for you. It all depends on underlying circumstances at a given time. Then again, if your condition worsens or stagnates in the course of your self-medication using Clear Nails Plus, it is suggested to go to the doctor immediately for a proper medical check-up. You may find that you need to do other alternatives to thwart the fungal threat, and God forbid that you will need surgery to fix the problem overall.
Clear Nails Plus Ingredients Side Effects
Of course, in everything, there is always a downside. Now that you have heard the basics of Clear Nails Plus, we will now move on to the dietary supplement’s side effects. We will tackle the side effects of each ingredient of Clear Nails Plus, and then we will summarize and go from there with our findings. Please take note that these side effects only come to play when you overdose with Clear Nails Plus, so this is a gentle reminder to take the supplement according to its recommended dosage of one capsule every day.
Oregano can cause an upset stomach and an insane allergic reaction if you are allergic to mint. Bioperine, on the other hand, also does the same thing, minus the allergic reaction.
Wormwood is a tough one. At large amounts, it can cause seizures, kidney failure, insomnia, irregular heart rate, paralysis, or even death. Again, do not overdose on Clear Nails Plus.
Olive leaves can cause muscle discomfort and headache, while apple cider vinegar can cause bone loss, throat burns, and tooth enamel erosion at large doses.
Turmeric usually does not have side effects, but sometimes it can cause an upset stomach, dizziness, or diarrhea. It is still a spice, after all.
Lastly, garlic can cause bad breath (obviously), heartburn, flatulence, body odor, and diarrhea. These side effects can vary from person to person. In general, and as I have repeatedly reminded you, do not take this supplement in quantities of two or more each day since it can cause uncomfortable consequences.
With those side effects mentioned, it is easy to see that Clear Nails Plus ingredients do not have much of a side effect other than the wormwood. That herb contains a compound called thujone, which, while not toxic to humans at low doses, can be lethal at high dosage levels.
It is with an adamant reminder that you should not, in either way, try taking two capsules of Clear Nails Plus a day. Overdosing will not speed up the process, so quit thinking like that and live your life in a patient and honest manner.
Clear Nails Plus Costs
Now that we know everything from the good and bad sides of Clear Nails Plus let us now proceed to discuss its pricing. Whether you liked or disliked the product because of this mixed review, it is still imperative that we know its costs to understand the overall aspects of this product altogether. You can only buy Clear Nails Plus from the official website. The website name sounds something straight from a conspiracy movie!
Anyway, each Clear Nails Plus is relatively cheap. It only comes at the cost of $69 per bottle, which is not pricey. You can pay them through different channels – Visa, MasterCard, American Express Cards, or Discover Network. Shipping is usually at $12.99, but they are giving it out for free this time if you live in the United States. For international customers, you will still have to pay US$12.99.
What is great about their offer is that you get two books with it, titled “The 24 Hour Fungus Flush” and the “Diabetics’ Fungus Fighting Handbook.” Both cost $49 each, so it is a real bargain to begin with!
If $69 just does not cut it for you, you can take one of their packages for a decreased price per bottle. You can pick between the Standard and Premium packages, worth $177 and $294, respectively. It means that for the Standard Package, you get $59 per bottle, while for the Premium Package, you get it for only $49 per bottle.
If you are looking to try out the product, you recommend that you go for the Premium package to get the best bang for your buck!
Related Studies on Clear Nails Plus
Just on the bottom of the Clear Nails Plus official website, six references are referred to there. While most of them do not have anything to do with the physical ingredients, it has something to do with probiotic strains that stimulate a person's immune system when faced with fungal infections.
The Official Website & the Scientific Studies Can Be Found Here
Again, if we are to look at the physical ingredients, they seem to give us more of an idea of how the whole product works. There are several types of research on the internet regarding the ingredient’s benefits and side effects. Combining anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties in one capsule seem like a plausible idea for an anti-nail fungus supplement, but only certified health professionals can know for sure what the best course of action is for someone with nail fungus.
The Verdict on Clear Nails Plus
Clear Nails Plus hits and misses at the same time. It does its job quite effectively through common sense, but it lacks the solidifying evidence to do so. However, it seems so useful only because it tackles nail fungus's main problems: inflammation and infection. Clear Nails Plus needs to step up, especially that it has competitors on the market. That is its article for review. Otherwise, if you are looking to self-medicate yourself because you have nail fungus, do so with care. If you are getting signs of worsening or stagnation, go to your doctor immediately. There is no shame in trying, but there is also certainly no shame when it comes to your overall health condition.
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Media Details: Clear Nails Plus, 855-701-2018
This news has been published for the above source. Kiss PR Brand Story Press Release News Desk was not involved in the creation of this content. KISS PR and its distribution partners are not directly or indirectly responsible for any claims made in the above statements. Contact the vendor of the product directly.