Insights on the Movie Theatres Global Market to 2024 - Reinvigorated Demand of Drive-in Theaters as a Result of COVID-19

Dublin, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Global Movie Theatres Market: Size & Forecasts with Impact Analysis of COVID-19 (2020-2024 Edition)" report has been added to's offering.

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the global movie theatres market with detailed analysis of market size and growth. The analysis includes market in terms of value as well as volume, market share by region and screen format. A detailed analysis of global movie theatre screen has also been provided in the report which includes sizing of the 3D digital screen and premium large format screen in terms of volume and screen share by region.

The report provides detailed regional/country analysis of the US, Asia Pacific, China, India, EMEA, the UK, Netherlands and Latin America for the movie theatre market. Regional analysis including market sizing by value of each region, historical and forecast.

Growth of the global movie theatre market has also been forecasted for the period 2020-2024, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.

A brief company profiling of major market players namely AMC, Regal Entertainment, and Cinemark has been provided in the report on the basis of aspects like business overview, financial overview and business strategies adopted by respective companies.

The global movie theatre market has grown at a rapid pace in the past few years with the high growth of the global box office market. The global box office market increased at a notable CAGR over the span of five years, i.e. 2015-2019 and predictions are that the market would follow the same trend over the forecasted period as well i.e. 2020-2024. Growth in the market is primarily driven by factors such as digitization in the media and entertainment space, innovation in the film industry, rising number of frequent moviegoers, investment in new theatre technology and rising consumer spending on box office etc.

COVID-19 led to the closure of movie theatres. Recently, movie theatres are resuming operations with measures such as social distancing and sanitization. However, the response from moviegoers has not been encouraging. The people are concerned with contracting the virus inside cinema halls due to the anticipated fear of inability to adhere to physical distancing. However, the rollout of the potential vaccine in first quarter 2021 would bring down the active number of cases. This in turn would gradually normalize this abnormal consumer sentiment. Thus, allowing the market to get back to recovery.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction
2.1 Overview of Movie Theatre
2.1.1 Types of Movie Theatre
2.2 Overview of Box Office

3. Global Market Analysis
3.1 Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market Analysis
3.1.1 Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market by Value
3.1.2 Global Theatrical and Home Entertainment Market by Segments (Theatrical, Digital Home Entertainment, Physical Home Entertainment)
3.2 Global Box Office Market Analysis
3.2.1 Global Box Office Market by Value
3.2.2 Global Box Office Market by Region
3.2.3 Global Box Office Market by Country
3.3 Global Movie Theatre Screen Market Analysis
3.3.1 Global Movie Theatre Market by Screen Format
3.3.2 Global Movie Theatre Screen by Volume
3.3.3 Global Movie Theatre Screen by Region
3.3.4 Global Movie Theatre Screen Count by Region
3.3.5 Global Movie Theatre Screen Count by Country
3.3.6 Global Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count

4. Region/Country Analysis
4.1 The US. Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.1.1 The US. Box Office Market by Value
4.1.2 North America Movie Theatre Screen by Format
4.1.3 The US. Movie Theatre Screen Count by Format
4.1.4 The US. Movie Theater Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count
4.1.5 The US Movie Theater Screens by Type of Venue
4.1.6 The US Movie Theatre Market by Volume
4.1.7 The US Top 20 Films Comparison by Earnings
4.1.8 The US Movie Theatre Market by Admission
4.1.9 The US Movie Theater Market by Number of Moviegoers
4.2 Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.2.1 Asia Pacific Box Office Market by Value
4.2.2 Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count
4.2.3 Asia Pacific Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count
4.3 China Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.3.1 China Box Office Market by Value
4.3.2 China Box Office Market by Origin of Released Films
4.3.3 China Box Office Market by Number of Films Released
4.3.4 China Movie Theater Market by Screen Count
4.4 India Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.4.1 India Movie Theater Market by Screen Count
4.4.2 India Movie Theater Market by Screen Share
4.4.3 India Movie Theater Market by Screen Type
4.5 EMEA Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.5.1 EMEA Box Office Market by Value
4.5.2 EMEA Movie Theatre Screen by Format
4.5.3 EMEA Movie Theatre Market by Digital-3D Screen Count
4.5.4 EMEA Movie Theatre Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count
4.6 UK Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.6.1 UK Box Office Market by Admissions
4.6.2 UK Movie Theatre Market by Value
4.7 Netherlands Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.7.1 Netherlands Box Office Market by Value
4.8 Latin America Movie Theatre Market Analysis
4.8.1 Latin America Box Office Market by Value
4.8.2 Latin America Movie Theater Market by Digital-3D Screen Count
4.8.3 Latin America Movie Theater Market by Premium Large Format Screen Count

5. Impact of COVID-19
5.1 Impact on the Global Movie Theater Market
5.1.1 Negative Impact on Consumer Sentiment
5.1.2 Reinvigorated Demand of Drive-in Theaters
5.2 Impact on the India Movie Theater Market
5.2.1 Expected Phase Wise Recovery
5.3 Impact on the Europe Movie Theater Market
5.3.1 Negative Impact on European Box Office Collections

6. Competitive Landscape
6.1 Global Premium Large Format (PLF) Movie Theatre Market Players by Share
6.2 India Movie Theatre Screen Share by Players
6.3 North America Movie Theatre Market Competitive Landscape
6.4 The US Box Office Market Players by Average Ticket Price
6.5 The US Movie Theatre Screen Share by Players
6.6 The US Movie Theatre Site Share by Players
6.7 The US Movie Attendance by Players
6.8 The US Screen Count by Players

7. Company Profiles
7.1 Regal Entertainment Group (Cineworld Group Plc)
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.1.2 Financial Overview
7.1.3 Business Strategy
7.2 Cinemark Holdings
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.2.2 Financial Overview
7.2.3 Business Strategy
7.3 AMC Entertainment Group
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.3.2 Financial Overview
7.3.3 Business Strategy

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