The culmination of a trilogy follows Stella as she participates in a recreation of the ancient Lemurian choir

Cynthya Popperwell announces the release of ‘Soul Reunion’

MACKAY, Australia, Feb. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In “Turtle Journey: Synchronicity and the Universe,” Cynthya Popperwell traces a journey through the life of Stella, who in this incarnation possesses a sacred spiritual consciousness that touches every moment of her physical life with glory — but only if her heart is open to its song. Its sequel “Crystals in the Wall” follows the continuation of Stella’s meandering through her multidimensional reality, awakening her awareness of other lifetimes, as she returns to Egypt, absorbing more ancient sacred wisdom in each visit. “Soul Reunion” (published by Balboa Press AU) completes the trilogy.


Stella continues to advance along her own unique divine pathway as her Lemurian kindred in human form at this time are united together through the Lemurian Choir, which gathers at high energetic vortices all over the Earth. The ‘Tones” contain very memorable sacred melody from the ancient past and they have energy. Wherever there is a choir, there are changes. The 'Choirs' and other Lemurian Consciousness Retreats magically weave into the tapestry of Stella’s multidimensional reality, blending perfectly into oneness as Soul Reunion awakens.


“People are looking for new ways to expand their awareness and obtain inner peace and resilience. These three tools are woven throughout the story and presented in many different ways,” Popperwell says. “Humanity is searching for new ways of living. This book is the culmination of Stella's journey this lifetime and finding the reunited soul.”


When asked what she wants readers to take away from her writing of this book, Popperwell answers, “The simplicity of the connection to all of existence, how we can live from a place of peace and calmness regardless of what is occurring and how to become their own master and to manifest the reality they desire.” For more details about the book, please visit


“Soul Reunion”

By Cynthya Popperwell

Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 368 pages | ISBN 9781504322812

E-Book | 368 pages | ISBN 9781504322836

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble


About the Author

Cynthya Popperwell is a light worker, star seed, healer, intuitive, interdimensional teacher, guide, author, nurse, wife, mother and friend. She lives in Mount Jukes, Queensland, Australia. Visit her online at

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