Nutrameltz Dietary Supplements Melt in Your Mouth for Fast Acting Absorption

Innovative Delivery Method Needs No Water With Nutrameltz Vitamins

PALM BEACH, FL, Feb. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American consumers, who have trouble or dislike swallowing pills, now have a fun new way to take their daily dietary supplements. 

Nutrameltz, a Canadian health and wellness company, will soon introduce fast-dissolving tablets to the more than 70 percent of American adults who take dietary supplements.

“Taking supplements has never been so easy, or tasted so good,” said Suresh Kolla, president and CEO of the Canadian health and wellness company, Nutrameltz. “We developed the most efficient way for people to take their daily supplements. Our vitamins and minerals dissolve instantaneously in your mouth without the need for a glass of water.”

Nutrameltz fast-dissolving tablets are a great way for people to take their dietary supplements, especially children and seniors who may have trouble swallowing pills.

“Our tablets dissolve once they are placed on or under the tongue, which is a major advantage because the vitamins and minerals are not affected by gastric fluids. Nutrameltz supplements deliver faster absorption and rapid onset of action,” Kolla said. ”They also are great tasting, with natural flavors and low-calorie sweeteners.”

Kolla, who has 30 years of experience in specialized dosage delivery systems, said Nutrameltz is committed to developing the most modern and innovative products of the highest quality.

The Nutrameltz dietary supplements, already popular in Canada, that will soon be available in the U.S. include:

  • Multi-vitamins, and D3. C, B-12, L-MTHF folate, K2, B Complex, A, Biotin,
  • Minerals, such as iron, magnesium, zinc,
  • Melatonin
  • Nicotine
  • Digestive enzymes,
  • CoQ10
  • Caffeine

Kolla said Nutrameltz’s research and development team took five years of constant efforts to develop a delivery method that was 100 percent bio-available and easy to consume.

“Nutrameltz fast-dissolving tablets are perfect for people who dislike swallowing pills,” Kolla said. “We developed a new and innovative way of taking supplements, which have proven to be very popular. Taking supplements is now easy and fun.”

Nutrameltz tablets are sugar-free, preservative-free, gelatin-free, gluten-free, and contain no added preservatives or artificial coloring.

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Nutrameltz, a Canadian health and wellness company, will soon introduce fast-dissolving tablets to more than 70 percent of American adults who take dietary supplements.
