Voltalia commissions its first agrivoltaic plant

Voltalia commissions its first agrivoltaic plant

Voltalia (Euronext Paris ISIN code: FR0011995588), an international player in renewable energies announces today the commissioning of the Cabanon agrivoltaic plant (3 megawatts) located in Saint-Etienne-du-Grès, France (South Region - Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur).

The first agrivoltaic plant in the South Region

Cabanon is a 3 megawatt agrivoltaic plant in the open field and will supply more than 4,000 people with renewable electricity. Winner of the first part of the CRE Innovation call for tenders, the plant benefits from a 20-year power sales agreement.

The plant, which construction started at the end of the second quarter of 2020, combines agriculture and the production of  electricity from solar photovoltaics on the same land of 4.5 hectares. Thanks to dynamic solar trackers which protect the vegetable crops, Voltalia is able to encourage the dual utilisation of the land. The photovoltaic panels which are 4.5 metres high allow the passage of agricultural machinery and also protect the crops from extreme weather conditions, thus optimising agricultural production. It is a first for Voltalia on this type of project in the South Region.

A participatory funding for this project

The project benefited from a participatory funding which contributed to finance the construction and commissioning of the agrivoltaic plant. 700,000 euros were collected mostly from residents of the project area and neighbouring areas.

Next on the agenda: FY 2020 results on March 25, 2021 (before market opening)

About Voltalia (www.voltalia.com)
Voltalia is an international player in the renewable energy sector. The Group produces and sells electricity generated from wind, solar, hydraulic, biomass and storage facilities that it owns and operates. Voltalia has generating capacity in operation and under construction of more than 1.3 GW and a portfolio of projects under development representing total capacity of 8.5 GW. 

Voltalia is also a service provider and supports its investor clients in renewable energy projects during all phases, from design to operation and maintenance.  

As a pioneer in the corporate market, Voltalia provides a global offer to private companies, ranging from the supply of green electricity and energy efficiency services to the local production of their own electricity.

The Group has more than 1,000 employees and is present in 20 countries on 4 continents and is able to act worldwide on behalf of its clients.

Voltalia is listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, compartment B (FR0011995588 – VLTSA) and is part of the Enternext Tech 40 and CAC Mid & Small indices. The Group is also included in the Gaïa-Index, an index for socially responsible midcaps.
Investor Relations: invest@voltalia.com
T. +33 (0)1 81 70 37 00
Press Contact: Jennifer Jullia
jjullia@actifin.fr  .  T. +33 (0)1 56 88 11 11



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