Mitch Gould and Consumer Products International Offers Brand Manufacturers a Double Dose of Evolution and the Power of Three

Gould’s ‘Powerhouse Trifecta’ and ‘Evolution of Distribution’ Create an Unbeatable Team for New Brands and Products

BOCA RATON, FL, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mitch Gould, founder and CEO of Consumer Products International, is an innovator in the retail industry.

Gould’s proprietary “Evolution of Distribution” platform has helped international and domestic brands break into the U.S. market or expand their presence in America.

“I developed my ‘Evolution of Distribution” strategy because I saw many brand manufacturers struggle when they decided to enter the U.S. market,” Gould said. “These companies were great at creating products, but many of them didn’t have the skill set to expand their presence in a new market.”

Under the “Evolution of Distribution” platform, Gould offers brand manufacturers every service they need to launch a product or expand their sales network in the United States.

“I brought together a team that provides sales expertise, traditional and digital marketing savvy, and distribution experience,” Gould said, adding that CPI also offers website services and regulatory guidance when needed. “CPI is a one-stop turnkey operation that offers speed to market at an affordable cost.”

As the leader of CPI’s “Powerhouse Trifecta,” Gould’s 30-year career spans several categories of consumer products, including lawn and garden, hardware, sports nutrition, dietary supplements, skincare, nutraceuticals, housewares, and beverages.

“I’ve worked with major brands and brought to market new products, such as Stevan’s Seagal’s Lightning Bolt, Chuck Liddell’s Iceman RX, Hulk Hogan’s Hogan Energy, SlimFx, and Native Remedies,” Gould said.

The other two parts of the trifecta are Jeff Fernandez, president of CPI and a former buyer for Amazon and Walmart, and Kenneth E. Collins, executive vice president of CPI, who has held top sales positions for the world’s leading sports nutrition brands.

“We have almost ten decades of retail experience. There isn’t an issue in retail that we haven’t dealt with,” Gould said.

Gould and Collins first worked with Fernandez in the early 2000s, when they helped stock more than 150 brands on Amazon.

“Together, Ken and I placed more than 200 brands on Amazon when Jeff was working there as a buyer who was part of a team expanding Amazon’s retail business,” Gould said. “This happened when Amazon was branching out beyond books and electronics.”

The “Powerhouse Trifecta’s” retail experience has helped guide brands during the pandemic.

“We worked with brands during the Great Recession and now with COVID-19,” Gould said. “Our knowledge and experience have served our clients well during these tough times.”

For more information, visit Consumer Products International online.



CPI is a privately-held company specializing in the distribution of consumer goods, such as lawn and garden, home improvement, housewares, sporting goods, consumer electronics, grocery, office supplies, pet supplies, as well as health and wellness products.

Mitch Gould, the founder of CPI, is a third-generation retail distribution and manufacturing professional. Gould developed the “Evolution of Distribution” platform, which provides domestic and international product manufacturers with the sales, marketing, and product distribution expertise required to succeed in the world’s largest market — the United States. Gould, known as a global marketing guru, also has represented icons from the sports and entertainment worlds such as Steven Seagal, Hulk Hogan, Ronnie Coleman, Roberto Clemente Jr., Chuck Liddell, and Wayne Gretzky.


CPI is a privately-held company specializing in the distribution of consumer goods, such as lawn and garden, home improvement, housewares, sporting goods, consumer electronics, grocery, office supplies, pet supplies, as well as health and wellness products. Mitch Gould, the founder of CPI, is a third-generation retail distribution and manufacturing professional. Gould developed the “Evolution of Distribution” platform, which provides domestic and international product manufacturers with the sales, marketing, and product distribution expertise required to succeed in the world’s largest market — the United States. Gould, known as a global marketing guru, also has represented icons from the sports and entertainment worlds such as Steven Seagal, Hulk Hogan, Ronnie Coleman, Roberto Clemente Jr., Chuck Liddell, and Wayne Gretzky.
