A Virtual Pitch Event Designed to Facilitate Collisions & Collaborations

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, April 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Catalyst Accelerator announces its virtual Catalyst Collision Event on June 22-25, 2021. Sponsored by Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate and the United States Space Force, the four-day pitch event will spark connections and collaborations between startups and small businesses with innovative space or space-related technology. Government tech scouts will be present virtually, allowing businesses the opportunity to pitch their innovative, dual-use technology and gain traction in the space sector.

Catalyst will choose only 24 small businesses to participate in the event. Ideal candidates will have technology that is dual use (government and commercial) with a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 4 or higher. Participating companies will already have a strong commercial focus with patents in place or in the application stage. Technologies of greatest interest will align with SpaceWERX Space Prime initiatives, though all space-based technologies will be considered.  SpaceWERX, a newly formed subordinate organization of AFWERX, launched Space Prime to attract entrepreneurs with specific focus on the following technologies: hybrid data movement, on-orbit advanced power, advanced space maneuver, orbital refueling and manufacturing, orbital debris remediation, and space-based cyber security.

Participating companies will receive assistance from the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Kansas, in developing the documents necessary for pitching: Quad Chart, Information Paper, Pitch Deck, and Bottom-Line-Up-Front Statement. The event includes not only pitching to Government tech scouts but also daily fireside chats or panel discussions and networking opportunities with the scouts. On the final day, the participating companies will be able to display their technologies in a Tech Gallery for the Government tech scouts as well as the Space community at large.

Those considering applying are encouraged to attend the Ask Me Anything event scheduled for April 20th at 12pm MST. Applications are due by 8:00am MST on April 29th. Selected companies will be notified by email prior to May 11th. Additional information can be found at

About Catalyst Accelerator

The Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate and United States Space Force’s Catalyst Accelerator is a NewSpace-focused defense and national security industry accelerator, headquartered on the Catalyst Campus for Technology and Innovation (CCTI) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. CCTI is a collaborative ecosystem where industry, small business, entrepreneurs, startups, government, academia, and investors intersect with Colorado’s aerospace and defense industry to create community, spark innovation, and stimulate business growth. The Catalyst Accelerator is a collaborative program hosted by Catalyst Campus for Technology and Innovation (CCTI, a Colorado 501(c)3) in partnership with the United States Space Force, and the Air Force Research Laboratory to provide a robust, mentor-driven curriculum for accelerator teams. 

