Changing the Way People Invest in the Toronto Real Estate Market

TORONTO, May 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ONE Development Corporation, a property acquisition and redevelopment company out of Toronto, ONE is changing the way everyday people can access and invest in the Toronto real estate market.

We all know that real estate is a great investment; it's relatively stable compared to other types of investments, not to mention that it has a very high and consistent rate of return, particularly in cities like Toronto. Well, really across Canada at the moment, real estate markets are heating up, whether you believe that there is a bubble or not! The problem with hot and high value markets is that it can be a challenge to break into them, and for those on the outside, that is pretty devastating.

The biggest issue facing those who want to invest in the Toronto real estate market today is having enough money saved to purchase their first property, as we are likely talking about two to three hundred thousand dollars. Even those looking to diversify their portfolios face the same issue: having enough seed capital to diversify and then managing a property. ONE Development Corporation is offering a solution to both of these groups.

Their solution is to invest in their company from $500 via equity crowdfunding. What this means is that One Development has done all of the due diligence when it comes to financial projections, feasibility studies on the types of properties they are acquiring and having an experienced team that can deliver high quality desirable single family homes that are almost guaranteed to sell in a market that is starved of single family homes.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jason Ferreira, has this to say about ONE Development's position in the market: "To stay true to our philosophy, our biggest advantage is our corporate approach, our extensive business and financial planning ensures exponential growth in the redevelopment market. There are many developers in this space. However, none that undergo this level of detail for success, we've positioned ourselves to evolve into something much bigger than how the competition is doing it, while still allowing regular people to access the opportunity."

What ONE Development offers is an annual return on equity, available to common shareholders of 73 percent, once they reach six projects per year, which is projected to occur in 5 years' time. This rate of return compares very favourably when one considers that the return on equity on the entire stock market is less than 10 percent.  

Through their current equity crowdfunding campaign, investors can purchase Class C Preferred shares for $1 per share. They can convert these shares to common shares at any time at a rate of 3 common shares for each preferred share, a 38 percent discount on the estimated value of their current common shares of $0.54. In addition, these shares can be cashed in after three years, and the preferred shares have priority annual dividend over common shares.

For those looking to build a nest egg while still having a piece of the real estate market, ONE Development is offering a really great return on investment over a relatively short time. Not only that, but for those looking to diversify, this is an excellent opportunity to do so with very little stress or added responsibility. ONE Development is looking to change the landscape of how investment in the Toronto real estate market can happen by making it more accessible. And so far it looks like there is interest in their model as on the first day of their campaign they raised over 15 percent of the total goal.

To learn more about investing and how ONE Development is changing the system, visit:

One Development Corporation is a Toronto based property acquisition and redevelopment company that is changing how property redevelopment happens in Toronto. Their professional and qualified team runs feasibility for the stages of their projects, resulting in beautiful modern homes with solid margins. 

