General Meeting of 27 May 2021 Procedures for participating

General Meeting of 27 May 2021
Procedures for participating

Paris, 10 May 2021 – 5.45 p.m. CEST - Pixium Vision (FR0011950641 - ALPIX), a company that develops innovative bionic vision systems to enable patients who have lost their sight to live more independently, announces that the Company’s Combined General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 27 May 2021, at the registered office at 9.00 a.m.

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic and in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 2020-321 of 25 March 2020, as amended, and as extended by Decree No. 2021-255 of 9 March 2021, and taking into account the administrative measures restricting movement and gatherings of people, the Board of Directors has decided that this General Meeting will be held in closed session at the Company’s registered office, without the shareholders physically in attendance.

The procedures for holding and participating in this General Meeting have been adapted accordingly: shareholders will only be able to vote by mail or to grant a proxy1. Therefore, no admission cards will be issued.

The documents, including the notice of meeting brochure and the voting form, are available via the following links:

Link to the 2021 notice of meeting brochure

Link to the voting form

In order for votes to be properly taken into account, voting forms must be submitted with a participation certificate issued by an authorised intermediary. This certificate is required only for bearer shareholders.

The voting form and the participation certificate should be sent to:

Société Générale, Services Assemblée Générale, 32 rue du Champ de Tir – CS 30812, 44308 Nantes Cedex 3

or emailed to:

The deadline for receiving votes is 21 May 2021.

It is also possible to submit a proxy without indicating the proxyholder (blank proxy) or to grant a proxy to the proxyholder of your choice (see participation procedures).
We invite you to opt for voting by post.

The background documents for the General Meeting will be posted on the Company’s website ( today.

A live webcast will be available on the Company’s website and at the following address:

The webcast will be posted on line on the date of the General Meeting starting at 9.00 a.m. at the following address:


A question and answer session will be held during the meeting.



Pixium Vision
Guillaume Renondin
Chief Financial Officer
+33 1 76 21 47 68
Media relations

LifeSci Advisors
Sophie Baumont
+33 6 27 74 74 49
Investor relations
LifeSci Advisors
Guillaume van Renterghem
+33 6 69 99 37 83


Pixium Vision’s mission is to create a world of bionic vision for those who have lost their sight, enabling them to regain partial visual perception and greater autonomy. Pixium Vision’s bionic vision systems are associated with a surgical intervention and a rehabilitation period.

Pixium Vision is conducting clinical feasibility studies of its Prima system, its miniaturised wireless sub-retinal implant, in patients who have lost their sight due to retinal degeneration associated with the dry form of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Pixium Vision works closely with world-renown academic partners, such as Stanford University in California, Institut de la Vision in Paris, Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, Institute of Ocular Microsurgery (IMO) in Barcelona, and UPMC in Pittsburgh, USA. The company is EN ISO 13485 certified. Pixium Vision has been classified as an “Innovative Company” by Bpifrance.

For more information:

Follow us on @PixiumVision;


1 The procedures are set out in detail in the notice of meeting published in the BALO of 10 May 2021, as well as in “Les Affiches Parisiennes” of 10 May 2021, a medium authorised to publish legal notices in the department where the registered office is located. In addition, they are provided in the notice of meeting brochure.


Pièces jointes

AGM Mai 2021 - annonce AG FR V2 (edits BB)_ENrev