Mold Remediation: 3 Ways to Remove Mold from Homes in Florida, And Who to Call When You Need the Experts

Florida, June 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mold isn’t just unpleasant to look at, it’s also bad for our health. It can develop quickly, causing vast unsightly stains on walls, ceilings, windows, and floors, and if we are exposed to it, it may result in anything from eye and throat irritation to skin rashes and coughs.

Unfortunately, our homes are susceptible to mold, and without the right cleaning solutions, tools, or basic knowledge, it can be very difficult to keep at bay. is a national 24/7 call center ready to connect you to certified mold removal specialists near you in the event of your home or business becoming a health hazard. Acting as an emergency hotline, not only do they work with home and business owners to provide them with the best mold mediation in their area, but they also offer great tips and advice on how to deal with mold issues yourself.

If you’re looking for mold removal companies in Florida, Mold is the team to call. Alternatively, if you’re looking to remediate mold yourself, here are 3 ways to remove mold from the most susceptible areas at home:

1. Basement Mold

Basements provide a dark, damp environment in which mold loves to develop. If your basement has a musty, wet-dog style odor, then you’re almost certain to have a problem with moisture. Air quality is the biggest issue here, and these conditions will only encourage the growth of a fungal colony.

  1. Search for leaks and rectify these issues
  2. Install a dehumidifier to improve the air quality
  3. Remove the mold yourself, through fungicide and mold inhibitors and proper safety equipment, or bring in the experts to save time and hassle

For tips on how to remove mold from basements or to speak to a mold removal specialist in your area, visit the mold remediation companies website. 

2. Bathroom Mold

It’s not rare to see mold develop on the likes of shower curtains, bathroom ceilings and bathtubs. Due to the drastic change in temperature that occurs regularly from hot showers and baths, and a lack of ventilation or air conditioning, fungi thrive in bathrooms.

To remove mold in a bathroom, you can use the likes of vinegar, bleach, hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. Vinegar is the safest, all-natural killer. When diluted with water at a 1:1 ratio, this solution can not only remove tough stains, but also bad odors.

Dealing with a bad mold problem? For bathroom mold remediation in Florida, provides in depth tips via their website, call the team and they can connect you to a certified mold removal specialist in your area.

3. Carpet Mold

The porous nature of carpet makes it a great home for mold. It absorbs moisture and this is often the route of the mold issue you may be experiencing.

Before tackling mold in carpets, it’s important you assess the extent to which it has grown. Do not attempt to pull back carpet without using personal protective equipment and consider using plastic sheeting to limit the spread of spores.

Carpet is a complex area in which to remove mold. Ultimately you will likely need to call in a mold removal specialist to help. The procedure in which they follow is as follows:

  1. Contain the area to prevent further spread, using single- or double-layer polyethylene sheeting
  2. Wet dry vacuum the area to extract the spores, potentially using an extender tube through the seal of a window opening around a box fan that is venting contaminated air outdoors
  3. Treat the affected area with a homemade or shop-bought solution, testing said solution in a discreet area, such as the carpet under furniture

For in depth tips on removing mold from carpet, visit the website or call them to connect to a mold removal specialist in your area.

More information:

With years of experience, connects business and homeowners with mold removal contractors who are more than qualified to make your home perfect again. The combination of experience and next generation technologies ensures the job will be done quickly, professionally, and diligently. Learn more via the website:

