CORRECTING and REPLACING -- The Eclipse Foundation Releases 2021 IoT and Edge Commercial Adoption Survey Results

The 2nd annual survey reveals an increased enterprise reliance on open source technologies to accelerate the adoption of IoT and Edge Computing solutions

BRUSSELS, June 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a release issued earlier today by Eclipse Foundation Canada, please note that the download link for the 2021 IoT & Edge Commercial Adoption Survey Report has been updated. The corrected release follows:

The Eclipse Foundation, one of the world’s largest open source foundations, today announced the availability of its 2021 IoT and Edge Commercial Adoption Survey report, based on an online survey of more than 300 IoT and edge professionals conducted from January 12 to March 15, 2021. The survey’s objective is to gain a better understanding of the IoT and edge computing ecosystems by identifying the requirements, priorities, and challenges faced by organizations that deploy and use commercial solutions, including those based on open source technologies.

“IoT and edge computing technologies go hand-in-hand and these survey results tell a clear and compelling story, ” said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. “Real-world adoption is accelerating in both domains and open source is firmly established in production deployments across a range of industrial use cases.”

Survey participants represent a broad set of industries, organizations, and job functions. Five of the top conclusions drawn from the survey data include:

  • IoT technologies are being adopted at an accelerated rate. 47% of respondents currently deploy IoT solutions and an additional 39% plan to deploy within the next 12 to 24 months.
  • Edge computing adoption is also picking up. 54% of organizations are either utilizing or planning to utilize edge computing technologies within 12 months. Another 30% have plans to evaluate edge deployments over the next 12 to 24 months.
  • 74% of organizations factor open source into their deployment plans, a 14% increase over the 2019 survey. This clearly demonstrates that the dominant IoT & Edge platforms will either be open source or based on open source.
  • The top 3 IoT and edge operational challenges are: 1) End-to-end IoT solution monitoring and management; 2) Device management; and 3) Security (network/devices/data).
  • There is a trend towards a Hybrid Cloud strategy. 44% of respondents suggest that their IoT deployments are using, or will use, a Hybrid Cloud (i.e. composed of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures such as private and public), an increase from 22% in 2019.

The report also includes details on IoT and edge adoption by industry and the top concerns of commercial adopters. To find out more, interested parties can download the 2021 IoT & Edge Commercial Adoption Survey Report.

The IoT and Edge Commercial Adoption Survey is sponsored by the Eclipse IoT and Edge Native Working Groups. The adoption survey complements the annual IoT Developer Survey, one of the industry's most influential surveys from the development front lines, which the Eclipse Foundation has conducted for the last seven years and will continue to produce. The Foundation’s IoT and Edge Native communities represent one of the largest open source collaborations in the world spanning 47 projects from 49 members and over 32 million lines of code produced. Eclipse IoT and edge projects have been adopted by leading organizations across a variety of verticals to deliver commercial IoT and edge-based solutions and services.

To learn more about how to get involved with the Eclipse IoT, Edge Native, or other Eclipse Working Groups visit the Eclipse membership page Working Group members benefit from a broad range of services, including exclusive access to detailed industry research findings, marketing assistance, and expert open source governance.

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Quotes From IoT & Edge Native Working Group Members


“The IoT and Edge Commercial Adoption Survey not only provides valuable insights into how organizations are adopting IoT and edge technologies but also how open source is a vital part of their digital transformation journeys. The survey results showcase that the number of organizations incorporating open source technologies into their deployment plans has increased each year. Those looking to grow and evolve their organization should seriously consider integrating open source or open source-based IoT and edge platforms into their deployment plans,” said Deb Bryant, senior director, Open Source Program Office, Red Hat.


“The IoT & Edge Commercial Adoption Survey Report provides valuable insights into market dynamics and trends in quite a unique way. We highly value the scope and professional execution of the survey as well as the relevance, way beyond a thriving commercially-friendly open source ecosystem we are proudly part of,” said Robert Andres, Chief Strategy Officer at Eurotech Group.


"Survey report showcases how open source software technologies are enabling cutting edge developments across various industries,” said Angelo Corsaro, Ph.D. and Chief Technology Officer at ADLINK.


“Edge computing's architectures definition and successive implementation is one of the most challenging areas I can personally think of nowadays. Sometimes it takes a lot of time just to understand why you need it. The IoT & Edge Commercial Adoption Survey is a great tool to understand what other businesses in the industry are planning to do and how,” said Nicola La Gloria, Ph.D. and Chief Technology Officer at Kynetics.

About the Eclipse Foundation

The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation. The Foundation is home to the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE, and over 400 open source projects, including runtimes, tools, and frameworks for cloud and edge applications, IoT, AI, automotive, systems engineering, distributed ledger technologies, open processor designs, and many others. The Eclipse Foundation is an international non-profit association supported by over 330 members, including industry leaders who value open source as a key enabler for their business strategies. To learn more, follow us on Twitter @EclipseFdn, LinkedIn or visit

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Media contacts:

Schwartz Public Relations for the Eclipse Foundation, AISBL
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80331 Munich
+49 (89) 211 871 – 43 / -35 / -70

Nichols Communications for the Eclipse Foundation, AISBL
Jay Nichols
+1 408-772-1551